Monday, February 13, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
Hacking scandal engulfs The Sun
Marketing Week
News International is facing further scrutiny after five journalists at The Sun were arrested over phone hacking claims over the weekend. Rupert Murdoch has assured staff that he is committed to "continuing to own and publish The Sun" but speculation ...
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Marketing Week
Microsoft India's retail website hacked
Published on Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 17:32 | Source : PTI In the latest case of website defacing in the country, software giant Microsoft India's retail website has been hacked, forcing the company to shut it down temporarily.
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UK minister: Press must face tougher penalties for breaching standards after ...
Washington Post
LONDON — Britain's government minister responsible for the media said Sunday the country's press must face tougher penalties for breaches of standards in the wake of the tabloid phone-hacking scandal. Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt also said newspapers ...
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After Anonymous Hacking, Boston Cops Release Quirky Video
NBC Bay Area
By Daniel Arkin AP The international anarchist-activist group Anonymous, which uses the iconic Guy Fawkes mask as an insignia, recently defaced the Boston Police Department website. The Boston Police Department tipped a hat to comedy nerds everywhere ...
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Hugh Grant stands by 'inference' MoS hacked his phone
Press Gazette
By Heloise Wood Actor Hugh Grant has refused Daily Mail editor Paul Dacre's invitation to retract his allegation that the Mail titles have been involved in phone-hacking. Dacre made his offer last week when he, in turn, refused to retract the statement ...
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The hacking inquiry is too heavy-handed
Breaking into mobile phone messages, hacking computers and paying public servants for information are illegal and should be investigated. But there is a question of proportionality to consider; and in this, the Metropolitan Police has arguably ...
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Firewall boosted to stop spies as hackers' bill hits $615k
Herald Sun
New parliamentary website delayed by a year ASIO orders security to be beefed up after "incident" The $3.1m project due to go live this Friday THE Federal Parliament was forced to spend more than $600000 to beef up computer security after a hacking ...
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Hackers Attack CIA Website And Ones In Alabama And Mexico
Imassera News
A group of well known hackers were able to successfully shut down the 911 masterminds website on Friday. February 12, 2012- Websites dealing with the mining ministry in Mexico, the state of Alabama and the CIA were all down last Friday due to being ...
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Imassera News
Steam Goes Down but Hackers Not to Blame According to Valve
While fears of another hacking incident might have been the first thoughts to come to mind, the real reason is far less sinister according to Valve. The outage, which started around 5.30am AEDT, has been blamed on a power failure at Valve's data ...
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Blogs1 new result for hacking
The Sun, the baby and the bathwater | Hacking inquiry - Hacked off
By Hacked off
The Sun, the baby and the bathwater. by Brian Cathcart. There is fury and fear among Sun staff after the latest round of arrests by police investigating the alleged corruption of public servants by journalists, and there is more widespread alarm ...
Hacking inquiry - Hacked off

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