Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
Hacker posts Symantec source code after ransom demand fails
Los Angeles Times
By David Sarno A hacker has released stolen source code from Symantec Corp., one of the largest computer security firms, after a phony set of ransom negotiations failed, according to the company. The source code is part of a Symantec product called ...
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Los Angeles Times
Phone hacking: Coogan and Gascoigne reach hacking settlement
BBC News
Comedian Steve Coogan and ex-footballer Paul Gascoigne are among the latest people to have settled claims for damages over phone-hacking, the High Court hears. Ex-Labour press chief Alastair Campbell and MP Simon Hughes have also settled with News ...
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BBC News
New Settlements in Britain's Hacking Scandal
New York Times
LONDON — Rupert Murdoch's British newspaper subsidiary was reported to have reached a new batch of settlements on Wednesday in the hacking scandal that has convulsed parts of the British press, police and political establishment, according to lawyers.
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Hackers post W.Va. police officers' personal info
The Associated Press
(AP) — Hackers affiliated with the Anonymous hacking group obtained more than 150 police officers' personal information from an old website for the West Virginia Chiefs of Police Association and posted it online. William Roper, the association's ...
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Editor sorry over hacking
Sydney Morning Herald
THE editor of London's Times newspaper, James Harding, has admitted that evidence of his paper's involvement in email hacking was previously withheld from the British High Court. In a long and dramatic cross-examination before the Leveson inquiry, ...
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Sydney Morning Herald
Apologies all around: UK police, editor, and regulator express regret over hacking
Washington Post
British police, an editor and a press regulator took turns to express regret over their role in the phone hacking scandal Tuesday, each acknowledging that they could have done more to get a grips with illegal practices whose exposure has rocked the ...
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Hacker group: BPD will pay for Occupy eviction
Boston Herald
They know there are repercussions for their actions," he said of hacker-weary Boston cops. Housh said Anonymous bandwidth bandits hit Friday when they took control of — the police website devoted to community policing — when chatter ...
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Scots computer hacker Gary McKinnon terrified at thought of being extradited to US
Scottish Daily Record
COMPUTER hacker Gary McKinnon is "unable to control the terror that consumes his every waking moment" as he fights extradition to the US, his mother said today. Janis Sharp said the treatment of her son, who admits hacking into military computers but ...
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Hack Days: Not Just for Facebookers
Welcome to 2012, a time in which hacking is praised in S-1 filings. Facebook, you may have, just maybe, heard, is going public. The IPO has set off a flurry of interest among investors and the media. Meanwhile, the company's youthful founder took the ...
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
Times Editor apologises for NightJack email hacking | Naked Security
By Graham Cluley
The editor of The Times has apologised, after he admitted a journalist had hacked into a serving police officer's email account.
Naked Security
Hacking worm holes in iTunes : Ripcurl
By Injection mold 230000
There are already 71 web pages of complaints on just one customer forum, and it's growing. For more than a year, iTunes users have been reporting...
'Machete' Sequel Is Hacking Its Way to Theaters -
That leathery face. That tough guy 'tude. That… refusal to text. Yes, it's time for more Machete, the character first introduced in a fake trailer in 2007's "Grindhouse" double feature by Quentin T...
Starpulse Entertainment News
Hacking and lawyers: privilege again… | Lawyer Watch
By Richard Moorhead
James Harding, editor of the Times apologised today to the Leveson inquiry for not disclosing information to Mr Justice Eady, in a 2009 injunction application, that would have confirmed a journalist at his paper had hacked into an email ...
Lawyer Watch
Will Times hacking open a can of worms? | Liberal Conspiracy
By Sunny Hundal
The editor of the Times newspaper told the Leveson inquiry yesterday that his newspaper had indeed hacked into the email account of blogger Nightjack. Harding had to be recalled back to the inquiry after details of the hacking were not ...
Liberal Conspiracy

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