Friday, February 17, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News8 new results for hacking
Anonymous hackers strike more gov't websites
New York Daily News
LONDON — The hacking group known as Anonymous has claimed a new series of hacks against the US Federal Trade Commission and consumer rights websites. The loosely organized collection of cyber rebels said it attacked the FTC's consumer protection ...
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New York Daily News
Andhra Pradesh govt websites hacked
Times of India
HYDERABAD: As many as 27 websites of various departments of Andhra Pradesh were Thursday hacked, exposing the chinks in the state's cyber security. The cyber criminals broke into one of the government servers and hacked the websites.
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21 Andhra Pradesh government websites hacked
HYDERABAD: On the very day that the government boasted about being able to present a "paperless budget", the security of its department websites showed cracks with almost 21 of them getting hacked. Reports said that the hacked websites contained ...
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Interactive response systems vulnerable to hacking: experts
The Hindu
The vulnerabilities of Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) were exposed at the Nullcon — a conference of cyber security personnel attended by ethical hackers, government officials, intelligence organisations and cyber security firms here.
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Murdoch plans new paper in wake of phone hacking
Murdoch closed his flagship Sunday tabloid, the News of the World, in July amid outrage over phone hacking. Ten current and former staff members at The Sun have been questioned over the alleged payment of bribes to police and defence officials.
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Budget website hacked, data remains untouched
Times of India
HYDERABAD: In a major embarrassment to the state government on the eve of budget, hackers on Thursday broke into a server, maintained by information technology (IT) department, and added pages to websites of 27 government departments, including the ...
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Hacked secrets doomed Nortel, expert tells trial
Calgary Herald
Computer hacking - not the bursting of the dot-com bubble or a later financial scandal - may have been the driving force behind the spectacular fall of former Canadian tech darling Nortel Networks Corp., a cyber-security expert says.
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BUSTED: Google Caught Secretly Hacking Apple Software To Track Apple iPhone ...
Business Insider
The Safari hack helped Google by allowing Google to recognize Safari users who were logged into Google, which Google would otherwise not have been able to do. Other companies have taken advantage of the same Safari loophole, including Vibrant Media and ...
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Business Insider

Blogs3 new results for hacking
Aura Slate on the cheap, welcomes hacking | Ubergizmo
By Edwin Kee
Android's open nature as an operating system is one of the main "selling points", and we have seen the benefits of it in the past such as custom ROMs, not to mention an approval-free Market. Of course, just as how [...]
It's Time To Add Hacking Into Your Disaster Recovery Plans As A ...
By Rachel Dines
Hackers are roaming around, seemingly attacking websites on a whim. Most recently, groups like Anonymous, the Jester, and Lulz Security (LulzSec – now supposedly disbanded) have been attacking and successfully taking down web sites ...
IT Infrastructure
Aura Design's AuraSlate welcomes hacking, sells for cheap
By Aaron Orquia
One of Android's main draws is the fact that it is a supposedly "open" OS, allowing free development of things like custom ROMs and an approval-free Market. However, between locked bootloaders, which seriously inhibit custom software ...

Web2 new results for hacking
Rupert Murdoch faces U.S. heat on phone hacking -
The British lawyer for alleged victims of phone-hacking by newspapers said Monday he is flying to the United States within weeks to meet lawyers amid reports ...
Joel Grus » Hacking Hacker News
Hacker News, if you don't know it, is an aggregator / forum attached to Y Combinator. People submit links to news stories and blog posts, questions, examples, ...

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