Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
UK police suspected in 2006 that phone hacking was widespread at Murdoch's ...
Washington Post
LONDON — Detectives investigating British tabloid phone hacking in 2006 quickly concluded that the practice was not confined to a rogue News of the World reporter, a police officer who led the inquiry said Wednesday. Detective Chief Superintendent ...
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Leveson preview: police involved in original hacking investigation to give ...
Three Scotland Yard officers involved in the original investigation into phone hacking at the News of the World are to give evidence to the Leveson Inquiry today. Detective Superintendent Philip Williams, who led the 2006 inquiry, will appear along ...
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Interpol arrests suspected 'Anonymous' hackers
(CNN) -- Police in Europe and South America have arrested 25 alleged members of the "Anonymous" hacking group, Interpol said, amid a suspected attack on its own website by the group's supporters. The arrests include four people in Spain, ...
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Hacking suspects held after sweep
Sydney Morning Herald
TWENTY-FIVE suspected members of the loose-knit Anonymous hacker movement have been arrested in a sweep across Europe and South America, Interpol said. The international police agency said the arrests in Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Spain were ...
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Sydney Morning Herald
Leveson Inquiry: Police detail News of the World probe
BBC News
A senior Metropolitan Police officer has told the Leveson Inquiry how the 2006 probe into phone hacking at the News of the World was carried out. Det Chief Supt Philip Williams said he judged a criminal offence had occurred if an intercepted voicemail ...
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BBC News
25 suspected Anonymous hackers arrested in international sweep
Los Angeles Times
Twenty-five alleged hackers from the freewheeling, decentralized Anonymous protest movement have been arrested across Europe and South America in a massive sweep coordinated by Interpol, an agency based in France that links police around the world.
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Anonymous hackers: Police arrest 25 in four countries
BBC News
Police in Latin America and Europe have arrested 25 suspected members of the Anonymous hacking group, according to Interpol. The authorities in Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Spain carried out the arrests and seized 250 items of IT equipment and mobile ...
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BBC News
An inside view of LulzSec's hacking rampage
By Stacy Cowley @CNNMoneyTech February 29, 2012: 7:31 AM ET LulzSec's website immediately crashed under a massive traffic attack from foes seeking to hack the hackers. Within the hour, LulzSec signed up for a website optimization service called ...
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Leveson inquiry: Police knew hacking could be widespread six years ago
The senior Scotland Yard officer involved in the original police investigation into phone hacking at the News of the World was aware that the practice was "likely" to be widespread, the Leveson inquiry heard today. Detective chief superintendent Philip ...
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Interpol website suffers 'Anonymous cyber-attack'
The Guardian
Interpol's website appears to have been the victim of a cyber-attack after the international police agency announced the arrests of 25 suspected members of the hacking activist group Anonymous in Europe and South America. The website went down briefly ...
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The Guardian

Blogs4 new results for hacking
Debate Over Active Defense and Hacking Back Crops Up at RSA ...
By Dennis Fisher
The need for attacking other governments and groups such as Anonymous is real, according to former NSA officials. Security and attribution are hard, but offensive tactics need to be used.
threatpost - The First Stop for...
Million-Dollar Google Hacking Challenge of the Day - TDW Geeks
By Cheezburger Network
Million-Dollar Google Hacking Challenge of the Day: Google's Chrome is the only browser that hasn't yet been hacked in the ...
TDW Geeks
Hacking – the extraordinary revelations from Jacqui Hames | Liberal ...
By Septicisle
Nothing more epitomises how damaging the collusion between the Met Police and News International than the case of private investigator Jonathan Rees. He was cleared last year of the murder of Daniel Morgan, his then partner in the PI ...
Liberal Conspiracy
Police defend record on phone hacking investigation | THE FREE ...
By Padraig Reidy
A police officer who participated in the initial investigation into News of the World phone hacking today strongly denied that the Metropolitan Police had tried to minimise the impact of the scandal during the initial investigation in 2006.

Web1 new result for hacking
Charlotte Church looking past phone hacking case - Yahoo! News
From Yahoo! News: Charlotte Church's nearly $1 million settlement Monday with Rupert Murdoch's company provides vindication for a former child singing ...

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