Sunday, February 19, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
Student Facebook hacker gets eight months
CNET (blog)
by Chris Matyszczyk February 18, 2012 10:58 AM PST A software development student in the UK who hacked into Facebook via an employee's account is jailed after being found guilty of stealing intellectual property. It's normally parents who tell you ...
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Rupert Murdoch's last gamble: that the Sun won't set
The Guardian
Stand back from the cavorting as Rupert hits crisis-torn Wapping (episode 97) and ask the question that's been dogging News Corporation ever since the phone hacking swamp began. Simply: who's in charge here? Who is responsible for this all-consuming ...
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The Guardian
Briton jailed for `extensive' Facebook hack
Bangladesh News 24 hours
LONDON, Feb 19 ( - A British student, who hacked into Facebook's internal network risking "disastrous" consequences for the website, was jailed for eight months on Friday in what prosecutors described as the most serious case of ...
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Facebook hacker gets 8 months in prison
The man, Glenn Mangham, was accused of hacking into Facebook's online servers numerous times in 2011. He was arrested on the charges in June and had to face five counts of computer hacking. The ruling was just recently handed down – guilty.
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British student jailed for hacking into Facebook
ZDNet (blog)
By Emil Protalinski | February 18, 2012, 10:34am PST Summary: After hacking into Facebook, Glenn Steven Mangham has been jailed for eight months. The attack cost the company $200000, and resulted in an investigation by the FBI and British law ...
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Rupert Murdoch announces Sun on Sunday - as it happened
The Guardian
"Rupert Murdoch with his take no prisoners attitude to tabloid journalism, the ends will justify the means, do whatever it takes – that created the kind of newsroom climate in which hacking and other things were done with impunity on an industrial ...
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The Guardian
Bear bile maker website hacked
China Daily
BEIJING - A Chinese bear bile products manufacturer's website was hacked Saturday night, after the company invited the public to visit its farm. The website of Guizhentang Pharmaceutical Co Ltd was hacked at 9: 30 pm Saturday, one hour after the ...
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Facebook hacker gets eight months in prison
26-year-old software development student Glenn Mangham has been sentenced to 8 months in prison for hacking into Facebook using an employee's login details. When asked why he did it, Mangham says: "It was to identify vulnerabilities in the system so I ...
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News Corp. plans Sunday Sun amid probes
The News Journal
s Rupert Murdoch, whose UK papers have been beset with police and government investigations into phone hacking and bribery, will start a new tabloid to replace the disgraced News of the World. Murdoch announced the plans for a Sunday edition of the Sun ...
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