Saturday, February 11, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Hackers target CIA, Mexican, Alabama websites
By the CNN Wire Staff (CNN) -- Websites affiliated with the CIA, Mexico's mining ministry and the state of Alabama were down Friday, allegedly done in by hackers, government officials and a well-known hacking group reported.
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Eight Arrested in British Hacking Inquiry
New York Times
Earlier this week, Mr. Murdoch's British newspaper subsidiary, News International, settled 9 out of 10 remaining cases in a first wave of suits brought during the hacking case, according to lawyers in the case.
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Heather Mills says McCartney calls were hacked
CBS News
Rupert Murdoch's News International has settled nearly all the cases against the company in the first wave of lawsuits for phone hacking by its journalists, with a new round of apologies and payouts announced Wednesday in a London court.
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Karan Johar's account hacked
Hindustan Times
Filmmaker Karan Johar is the latest one to fall prey to the hacking of Twitter accounts. Actor-producer Kamaal R Khan (KRK) too is sailing in the same boat. Their accounts were hacked on Thursday, but were recovered later in the day. that the actor had ...
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Hindustan Times
Boston police follow up hack with humorous video
Boston Globe
By Billy Baker Days after the notorious hacking group "Anonymous'' took over its news website, the police department responded with a tongue-in-cheek YouTube video mocking the attack. "Normally I sleep pretty well,'' Deputy Superintendent Colm Lydon ...
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Actor Hugh Grant stands by phone hacking claim
BBC News
Hugh Grant has refused to withdraw his suggestion that Associated Newspapers obtained information about him through phone hacking. Mr Grant made the allegation about the publisher of the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday to the Leveson Inquiry.
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BBC News
Britain's media ethics inquiry: the story so far
CBS News
He accused the Mail on Sunday of hacking his phone ("A mendacious smear," countered Paul Dacre, editor of sister paper the Daily Mail). Singer Charlotte, Church, the subject of intense media interest from childhood, said her mother had attempted ...
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Hacker group breaks into Apple supplier Foxconn
GMA News
A hacker group broke into the computer systems of a Taiwan-based supplier of major electronics brands such as Apple Inc. and Microsoft Corp., and dumped a list of its mail server usernames and passwords on the Internet. The hackers calling themselves ...
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Murdoch's Hacking Strategy Decision Backfired
Washington Post
10 (Bloomberg) -- On May 19, 2011, Rupert Murdoch hosted a dinner party to hash out once and for all how to handle the phone-hacking scandal that had been hanging over the company for months and was suddenly spinning out of control.
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iTunes Accounts Hacked
NBC San Diego (blog)
By Barbara E. Hernandez Apple users reporting their iTunes accounts have been hacked and they are on the hook for up to hundreds of dollars of gift cards and in-app purchases. "I was hacked today for almost $50 in Apple gift card money.
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
In-Game - Steam hacking details emerge
By Matthew Hawkins
Last year, hackers broke into an internal database of Steam, the digital distribution system, and potentially compromised users' personal information.
Newsvine - In-Game - Articles
Steam Hacking Update: Hackers Obtained Credit Card Info, But Not ...
By sjohnson
Game company Valve has just sent more information about the hacking attacks against its Steam service. According to Valve's president Gabe Newell: "It is probable that the intruders...
G4 TV - TheFeed
Murdoch's Hacking Strategy Decision Backfired - YouTube
By Bloomberg
Feb. 10 (Bloomberg) -- On May 19, 2011, Rupert Murdoch hosted a dinner party to hash out once and for all how to handle the phone-hacking scandal that had be...
Uploads by username: "Bloomberg"
Hacking the browser cache with JQuery and ASP.NET MVC - Pablo ...
By cibrax
Hacking the browser cache with JQuery and ASP.NET MVC. Although JQuery provides a very good support for caching responses from AJAX calls in the browser, it is always good to know how you can use http as protocol for making an ...
Pablo M. Cibraro (aka Cibrax)
Win up to $5K hacking Titanium apps with Box « Appcelerator ...
By Kevin Whinnery
A developer-focused blog for Appcelerator Titanium developers.
Appcelerator Developer Center

Web2 new results for hacking
Murdoch group pays hundreds of thousands in phone-hacking suits ...
Rupert Murdoch's News of the World pays tens of thousands of pounds to settle suits over phone hacking by celebrities and politicians.
Romanian accused of hacking NASA-JPL computers - Yahoo! News
From Yahoo! News: A federal grand jury has indicted a Romanian citizen on charges he hacked into 25 climate-research computers at NASA's Jet Propulsion ...

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