Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Indians Not Safe in Their Own Land?/ 5 Most Influential Indian Women in US/ What to Do When Love Happens at Work-T B Vema

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siliconindia Daily dose
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
There is winner in Every Child its time for your children to write their success story.
Tech Product
Interesting Apple concept products developed by Apple fans which everyone of us would love to see in the market.
Here are the best apps in different platforms to hide your personal videos and photos.
Startup City
Few entrepreneurs share their insights on what they feel the entrepreneurs should not waste their money on. Read to know.
India is still fairly nascent on the high-end IP development and product innovation curve as compared to Silicon Valley. Read to know.
Publish your White Paper to your target Buyers
The Indian liquor industry is now becoming a bit feminine with the appointment of a host of talented women.
Vijay Mallya said he will not shut down the private carrier which struggled to stay afloat after further large-scale flight disruptions and resignation of pilots.
Real estate city
The garden city, Bangalore is experiencing high demand for luxury homes and majority of buyers want to invest only in this segment.
Pune peripheries are witnessing more real estate activities, where developers are coming up with luxury residential projects.
Humor of the day
Medical & Engineering College Principals argued that their students are fearless. Medical college Principal called the students & asked to..
A bus carrying only ugly people crashes into an oncoming truck, and everyone inside dies. They then get to meet their maker..
How to Identify Different Citizens of India:- Scenario 1: Two guys are fighting & a third guy comes along, sees them and walks on..
Rashmi Korlakai Vinayak, an alumnus of the Indian Institute of Science was announced as one of the winners of the Facebook Fellowship, an event for supporting the academic community.
With the creation of a working transistor from a single atom, Scientists were finally able to challenge Moore's law, which dominated the trend in computer hardware for more than half a century.
Personal finance
Opting for the best car loan in the market has become easier these days. Going for the best option is tricky though. Still, the procedure to achieve this has been made easier.
Buying a health, motor or property insurance will pinch your pocket from April as the cost for buying general insurance is set to rise.
Have you fallen in love with your co- worker? If yes, then keep in mind,it is not very strange to fall in love with a co- worker.
Even though women get more stressed out about the job interviews, she performs better than her male counterpart.
Siliconindia entrepreneur year book: Buy now
Training & Courses
InnovationM School of Android offers Android Corporate Training to various mobile product development & services companies & conducts specialized training classes for individuals who want to build a career in Android.
A Decade of Excellence in Project Management, Business Analysis, ITIL/IT Services Management and Six Sigma Courses
Most entrepreneurs see an IPO as the ultimate goal and sign of success and tend to slow down their pace, things seems to be much different with Cavium CEO Syed Ali.
A good idea, a smart business plan, persistence, good people skills and hard work, now is the perfect time to start a company.
Blogs: Editor's choice
More than 3 decades ago, I cleared my 12th board examination with 8 grace marks in English. Despite scoring pretty well in science subjects, which ultimately ensured my admission to an engineering college..
With the rising population in India, the demand for educational institutes has also risen along with it.

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