Thursday, February 23, 2012

India's Growing Gun Culture/ Rise of Adolescent CEOs/ How to Get Your Boss Fired?/ Cool People Every Techie Should Meet Someday-T B Vema

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siliconindia Daily dose
Thursday, February 23, 2012
There is winner in Every Child its time for your children to write their success story.
Gadget Guide
iPad is a wonderful gadget, but sometimes you miss some functionalities and features of your computer or laptop in this device.
HP introduced its first business class ultrabook 'HP Folio 13' which is designed to bridge the gap between professional and personal life.
Startup City
Read to know about the body language blunders that entrepreneurs should avoid while meeting a prospective investor or client.
Read to know about the social part of the startup entrepreneurs and the ways they contribute towards the society.
Publish your White Paper to your target Buyers
Ever increasing prices of Petrol and Diesel has made the car buyers more worried about how to select the best running machine.
President Barack Obama said Tuesday that the US middle class deserves tax cuts, while people with incomes above $1 million per year should pay at least 30 percent in taxes.
Real Estate City
Royal Estate Roha is located 8kms from Roha city in Maharashtra.The project is about 1 Acre (43560 sq ft) collector NA plots
In recent past, the interest rates as well as the residential property price have touched the sky resulting in unreasonable EMIs.
Humor of the Day
A doctor of psychology was doing his normal morning rounds when he entered a patient's room. He found Patient #1 sitting..
The old tribal chairman was on his death bed. He had only hours to live when he suddenly smelled the scent of fry-bread wafting..
A 70-year-old man goes to the doctor's for a physical. The doctor runs some tests and says to the man, "Well, everything seems to..
A few wizards of technology who are bound to be on every techie's wish-list of "people to meet" or rather made it to their bucket list.
What if you could text without ever looking at your phone? An app called 'Braille Touch' for the smartphones with touchscreens is made specially for the blind or users who want to text without seeing
Personal Finance
The gold companies these days are wrestling with crisis of borrowers assuring forgery and even stolen metal to meet their funding necessities.
Renting is a lot more a fashion statement than a necessity these days. Gone are the days when ownership meant prestige and status symbol.
You might have felt frustrated by your boss's attitude towards you and you might be thinking to fire him off because of his arrogant behavior .
Many of you might think working in night shifts can damage your health, but from a career perspective it's actually good.
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Training & Courses
InnovationM School of Android offers Android Corporate Training to various mobile product development & services companies & conducts specialized training classes for individuals who want to build a career in Android.
A Decade of Excellence in Project Management, Business Analysis, ITIL/IT Services Management and Six Sigma Courses
Most entrepreneurs see an IPO as the ultimate goal and sign of success and tend to slow down their pace, things seems to be much different with Cavium CEO Syed Ali.
A good idea, a smart business plan, persistence, good people skills and hard work, now is the perfect time to start a company.
Blogs: Editor's Choice
"In the battle of life, it is not the critic who counts; nor the one who points out how the strong person stumbled, or where the doer of a deed could have done better."
With the internet technology, e-commerce has flourished extensively in the last few years and business to business marketplace or B2B portals are serving as an effective platform for different online businesses.
Life & Style
The study, led by Danielle Herbertreveals that women who have been clinically diagnosed as infertile after 12 months of unsuccessfully trying for a baby may actually just need longer to conceive.
Smokeless cigarettes provide a much safer alternative to smokers, because they continue to deliver nicotine without the harmful effect of smoking, says Brad Rodu, professor of medicine,University of Louisville.

QA Times
Testers learn the testing practices by experience and here are top 20 practical software testing tips a tester should read before testing any application.
Do you think as a tester you are paid right? Here is the pay scale survey for Software Testing professionals for various roles in this field.

Enterprise IT
iPhone is an ideal device for handling complex business process as it offers specific features such as cloud storage, automatic update across Apple devices and voice assistant SIRI.
HP today introduced India's first Indigo W7200 Digital offset press for the Indian Market.
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