Saturday, May 5, 2012

SiliconIndia MAY 2012: Download your FREE copy - Managing Change/ People Practices/ Sales Management/ 10 Most Promising Tech Companies - Tharakesh

May 2012
siliconindia's U.S. edition has 70,000 print run in U.S and India edition has 45,000 in India
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San Mateo based BluePointe Capital management is emerging as the most trustworthy wealth management firm for Indian Americans. Read to find out how they have managed this.
Lisitng the Top 10 most promising Indian founded technology companies in U.S..
With Cloud becoming the buzzword and everyone jumping the bandwagon, enterprises are looking for a reliable vendor to manage their infrastructure. This where Cloupia comes in.
With traditional digital marketing techniques becomming a passe, e-commerce platforms are emerging as the new gateway for effective brand engagement; and NimbleCommerce is in unique position to enable this.
Having witnessed the chaos enterprises get into while outsorcuing, Sunil Kanchi founded Kanchi Technologies to provide engineering solutions, and consulting servisec with utmost transperancy in business model.
With its cloud-based technology, SalesPortal is enhancing customer engagement and helping contact centers generate new revenue streams for companies.
Despite enterprises looking to become cost effective, 'cost' is no longer a differentiator for an IT service provider. What they look for is value on investment and Sigmaways is providing just that.
As the Managing Director of Mayfield Fund, a 43 year old venture capital firm and a successful entrepreneur before, Naveen Chaddha has been on both sides of the fence. He gives an insight into a VC's mind and shares the lessons he learnt as an entrepreneur.
Manisha Sood, Country Manager, SanDisk shares the innovative ways of marketing adopted by the company and why it continues to rule the storage market in the country.
Companies are just begining to scratch the surface regarding ways to utilize mobile to connect with, influence and transact with consumers. What does it take to achieve this in a better way?
Although much effort has gone into making IT more energy efficient, there is still a great deal left to make India energy efficient. More than the cost of technology, the bigger problem lies with the awareness levels and culture surrounding it.
It is people who make all the difference in an economy. With the changing culture in the Indian workplace, Rajneesh Duggal, SVP -HR, Genpact explains why talent acquisition and employee happiness is important for an organization̢۪s success graph.
With 3G services is expected to drive the next wave of telecommunication, AP Sriram, COO, TataDOCOMO shares the strategies in place to make the most of this opportunity.
Sales and Marketing expert, John Treace shares the errors consistently made by sales management, all of which negatively impact team morale and sales; and eventualy lead to the death of a company.
By Jeremy King Senior Vice President & CTO of Global e-Commerce-WalmartLabs
Over last five months, the world's largest retail company Wal-Mart (NYSE: WMT) is aggressively focusing on the India operations through building its global e-commerce unit Walmart Labs with a strong focus on social and digital technology.
By D Richard de Silva Founder & CEO-Mango Games
With India attributing to 20 percent of the traffic for Internet players like Facebook and Zynga, it has emerged as the oneof the fore runners in the social gaming scenario. 2010 founded Mango Games is exploiting this opportunity by rolling out India relevant games like Don2 & Rummy.
By R Ramanan Managing Director & CEO-CMC Ltd
Managing changeis all about changing established mindsets. It demands constant communication through various channels for everyone to achieve their true potential with clear, consistent, inspiring messaging.

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