Friday, May 18, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News7 new results for hacking
PM: Hacking clues must be followed
The Press Association
Police investigating the phone-hacking scandal must act on the evidence "wherever it leads", David Cameron has insisted in the wake of charges against former News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks. Asked whether he was upset by the action ...
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Hackers break into Azerbaijan Eurovision websites
Hackers attack four websites * Amnesty calls for freedom of expression By Lada Evgrashina and Margarita Antidze BAKU, May 17 (Reuters) - A group of hackers calling themselves Cyberwarriors for Freedom attacked the official websites of the Eurovision ...
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21-year-old gets 12 months for hacking Facebook account
ZDNet (blog)
By Emil Protalinski | May 17, 2012, 10:56am PDT Summary: After pleading guilty to breaching the the UK's Computer Misuse Act 1990 on two counts, a UK man has been sentenced to a year in prison for hacking into an American's Facebook account last year.
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Cameron says police must follow phone hacking evidence as Brooks calls ...
Photo: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images Policing probing phone hacking must act on evidence "wherever it leads", Prime Minister David Cameron said today. It comes after charges were brought against former News International chief executive Rebekah ...
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At Facebook, all-night hacking will greet initial public offering of stock
CNN International
(CNN) -- At some companies, the night before a multibillion-dollar stock offering might come with lavish parties and champagne. At Facebook, it will be work and Red Bull. According to a rundown from Facebook about the day leading up to Friday's initial ...
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Phone hacking: Rebekah Brooks could challenge charging decision because ...
... to the Director of Public Prosecutions Keir Starmer, announced on Tuesday that Mrs Brooks, an ex-editor of the defunct News of the World and The Sun, will face charges of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice over the phone hacking scandal.
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Not guilty plea in NYC Anonymous hacking case
Las Vegas Sun
AP A Chicago man facing computer hacking charges in a federal investigation targeting the worldwide group Anonymous is entertaining himself behind bars the old fashioned way: by reading books. Jeremy Hammond is doing "great," defense attorney Elizabeth ...
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Blogs3 new results for hacking
Pre-Facebook IPO All-Night Hacking Tournament | WebProNews
By Chad Sweely
Tonight, to help celebrate the company's upcoming IPO, many Facebook employees will be staying up all night to participate in an overnight "hackathon," much like from The Social Network's hacking scene (posted below).
Hacking iPod headphone controller for use with Android - Hack a Day
By Mike Szczys
[Buddhra] wanted to use a set of ear buds that also had a controller built into the wire. The headset he chose to go with is meant for use with iPod, but he figured it should be possible to make it work with Android too.
Hack a Day
Travel Hacking Norway - Interview with Scott | Million Mile Secrets
By Pepper
Scott Meyer interviewed me as he was writing the credit card section for his book, The Travel Hacking Guide to Norway. Scott focuses on a lot of other ways besides credit cards to have Big Travel with Small Money so I was curious to learn ...
Million Mile Secrets

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