Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
Lawyer: UK police suspected phone hacking in 2002
Fox News
LONDON – Local British police suspected more than 10 years ago that a missing schoolgirl's phone had been hacked by people associated with Rupert Murdoch's now-defunct News of the World tabloid, an attorney said Wednesday. Police lawyer Neil Garnham ...
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Phone hacking investigator in UK Supreme Court bid
By JILL LAWLESS A private investigator jailed for hacking phones for Rupert Murdoch's News of the World asked Britain's Supreme Court on Tuesday to back his bid to keep mum about who ordered him to conduct the illegal eavesdropping.
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Milly Dowler's voicemail hacked, police confirm
BBC News
The voicemail of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler was hacked after she went missing in 2002, the police have confirmed to the Leveson Inquiry. But it is uncertain whether two missing phone messages were deleted or automatically removed, they added.
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BBC News
Lawyer: Police suspected phone hacking in 2002
A lawyer for Britain's Metropolitan Police says an officer suspected more than 10 years ago that a missing schoolgirl's phone had been hacked into by people associated with a now defunct Rupert Murdoch tabloid. The explosive revelation that the then ...
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News Corp.'s Cameron Ties Scrutinized as Brooks Testifies
(NWSA) (NWSA)'s phone-hacking scandal will hear evidence this week from the former chief executive officer of its UK unit and the tabloid editor who resigned over the practice in 2007. Rebekah Brooks, who stepped down from the company's top UK role in ...
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Hackers target Twitter spammers in massive account data breach
ZDNet (blog)
But it appears the hackers may have targeted spammers over ordinary users. Twitter is investigating after 55000 account details — including username and password combinations — were published online. Account details seemingly belonging to spammers ...
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Leveson Inquiry: Milly Dowler's phone was hacked but messages may not have ...
Milly Dowler's phone was hacked by the News of the World, but police cannot say with any certainty whether voicemails were deliberately deleted, an investigation has concluded. By Martin Evans, Crime Correspondent A lack of relevant call data from a ...
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Twitter hack breaches thousands of accounts
By Laurie Segall @CNNMoneyTech May 8, 2012: 9:44 PM ET NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- A Twitter hacker on Monday revealed thousands of user names and passwords for the microblogging site, but here's the good news: Most of the compromised accounts appear to be ...
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Police: Dowler phone hacked but deletions unclear
Reuters UK
By Michael Holden | LONDON (Reuters) - Journalists on the News of the World tabloid did hack the phone of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler but there is no conclusive evidence they deleted messages which gave her parents false hope she was still alive, ...
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
Saudi Prince Alwaleed: News Corp. Phone Hacking Scandal Hurts ...
By Georg Szalai
The second-largest shareholder and close ally of Rupert Murdoch emphasizes though that his support for the mogul is "definitely unwavering."
Hollywood Reporter
David Cameron Texted Rebekah Brooks To 'Keep Her Head Up ...
By The Huffington Post News Editors
British Prime Minister David Cameron has been drawn back into the phone hacking scandal once more, as a new biography claims that he texted former News International chief Rebekah Brooks during the week that she stepped down from ...
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed
Twitter denies mass hacking of accounts - AfterDawn
Twitter has denied reports that thousands of Twitter accounts have been compromised, with login information released publicly.
Alan Singer: Hacking Away at the Pearson Octopus
By Alan Singer
Pearson is tilting the coverage of U.S. history to win approval by school boards in red states, and in doing this, allowing the most conservative school boards in the nation to determine what gets taught in New York State schools.
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed
Glenn Mulcaire Asks UK Supreme Court To Back His Phone Hacking
By The Huffington Post News Editors
LONDON — A private investigator jailed for hacking phones for Rupert Murdoch's News of the World asked Britain's Supreme Court on Tuesday to back his bid to keep mum about who ordered him to conduct the illegal eavesdropping. Glenn ...
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Web2 new results for hacking
Hacker group The Unknowns claims high ground in exposing ...
New group takes credit for breaching NASA, U.S. military, and others with goal of forcing them to better protect themselves.
Will the hacking scandal spread to the US? - Inside Story Americas ...
We discuss the consequences of a British parliamentary report labelling Murdoch unfit to run an ...

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