Friday, May 25, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
New Jersey Mayor Hacked Opponents' Web Site, US Charges
New York Times
On Thursday, federal prosecutors said they had uncovered the culprit behind the hacking: the mayor himself. Mayor Roque, 55, who was elected last year, and his 22-year-old son, Joseph, were charged with gaining unauthorized access to computers.
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Is State Dept. hacking Al Qaeda? Not quite, but propaganda war is fierce.
Christian Science Monitor
Despite early reports, a State Department program to shoot down Al Qaeda propaganda online is not a hack. But the efforts are having an impact, Secretary Clinton says. By Mark Clayton, Staff writer / May 24, 2012 Secretary of State Hillary Rodham ...
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Christian Science Monitor
West New York mayor charged with hacking into website hosted by his opponents
The Star-Ledger -
In a strange case of political dirty tricks crossing over to the internet age, Roque — a Hudson County Democrat elected as a reformer in a town known for corruption — was arrested by the FBI Thursday on charges of hacking into a website associated ...
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The Star-Ledger -
We're hacking away at terrorism, Hillary Clinton reveals
New York Daily News
WASHINGTON — The US is taking the fight against terrorists online — by hacking into Web sites with jihadists' advertising. Secretary of State Clinton revealed she employs a team that's constantly "patrolling the web" to find corrupt overseas Internet ...
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New York Daily News
NJ mayor, son accused of hacking website to stifle recall effort
Fox News
The FBI arrested a New Jersey mayor and his son Thursday for allegedly hacking into an email account to take down a website that promoted a recall. A criminal complaint said Joseph Roque, the 22-year-old son of West New York Mayor Felix Roque, 55, ...
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Phone-hacking row: Tony Blair to discuss press-politics links
Indian Express
Former British Premier Tony Blair, who was the beneficiary of media baron Rupert Murdoch's support to his party before the 1997 elections and later, will appear on Monday before the Leveson inquiry set up in the wake of the phone-hacking row.
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New Jersey mayor charged with hacking opponents' website
TG Daily
A New Jersey mayor has been arrested for allegedly hacking a website that was calling for him to be recalled. Felix Roque, the 55-year-old mayor of West New York, along with his 22-year-old son Joseph, allegedly hacked into the RecallRoque website and ...
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TG Daily
New Jersey Mayor, Son Charged With Hacking Recall Website
San Francisco Chronicle
May 24 (Bloomberg) -- The mayor of West New York, New Jersey, a town just across the Hudson River from Manhattan, and his son were arrested and charged with hacking into an e-mail account and website set up to recall him from office.
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Hacking for freedom: U.S. hacks al-Qaeda sites in Yemen
CNET (blog)
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says cyber hacking team replaces anti-American propaganda on site in a 48-hour period. by Donna Tam May 24, 2012 10:06 AM PDT Follow @DonnaYTam The US State Department has been hacking into al-Qaida websites in ...
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
Felix Roque, New Jersey Mayor, Accused Of Hacking Recall Website
By The Huffington Post News Editors
A New Jersey mayor is accused by the FBI of hacking a website and email address related to a recall effort. The Star Ledger reports that West New York, N.J.'s Mayor Felix Roque and his son Joseph were arrested and accused of taking down ...
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed
Chris Christie ally busted for hacking recall website | The Raw Story
By David Edwards
"The elected leader of West New York and his son allegedly hacked into computers to intimidate constituents who were simply using the internet to exercise their Constitutional rights to criticize the government," U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman said ...
The Raw Story
Mayor Arrested for Hacking Into Website
West New York Mayor Felix Roque (D) was arrested by the FBI "on charges of illegally hacking into a website associated with a recall movement, while attempting to tap into e-mails to find who might be plotting against him," the Newark Star ...
Taegan Goddard's Political Wire
REALLY? REALLY? NJ Democrat Arrested For Hacking ... - PJ Media
By Glenn Reynolds
NJ Democrat Arrested For Hacking Recall Website. "A New Jersey mayor and his son were arrested Thursday by the FBI for allegedly hacking into an email account and website tied to a recall effort — and then intimidating those associated ...
Hacking color and battery life on a solar powered garden light ...
By Mike Szczys
Give your garden lights a little bit more life by changing out the LEDs. In the process, you can also choose a different color if you like. It really is as simple as cracking it open and replacing the stock LED, but a bit of a change may also prolong ...
Hack a Day

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