Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
Panel in Hacking Case Finds Murdoch Unfit as News Titan
New York Times (blog)
LONDON — A damning report on the hacking scandal at Rupert Murdoch's British newspapers concluding that Mr. Murdoch is "not a fit person" to run a huge international company has convulsed Britain's political and media worlds and threatened a core ...
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Broadcaster Distances Itself From News Corp.
New York Times
Last year News Corporation abandoned a $12 billion bid to assume full control of BSkyB as its British newspaper subsidiary, News International, a separate company, became mired in the phone hacking scandal that has burrowed into the Murdoch outpost.
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News Corp. Blasted In UK
Wall Street Journal
Chairman and Chief Executive Rupert Murdoch is "not a fit person to exercise the stewardship of a major international company" and found that three former News Corp. executives misled British lawmakers over the depth of the phone-hacking scandal.
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Wall Street Journal
BSkyB uses record results to defend role in Britain
By Kate Holton | LONDON (Reuters) - Satellite broadcaster BSkyB sought to distance itself from the controversy over phone hacking at its biggest shareholder on Wednesday after British lawmakers suggested the ties to Rupert Murdoch's News Corp might ...
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BSkyB declares itself 'fit and proper'
New York Daily News
On Tuesday, a parliamentary committee sharply criticized Murdoch, the chairman and chief executive of News Corp., over the hacking scandal that eventually forced the closure of the News of the World tabloid. Though the conclusion has no legal sanction, ...
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New York Daily News
UK politicians attack Murdochs: MPs deliver damning report on hacking controversy
Chicago Tribune
The politicians' report, released on Tuesday, is highly critical of the tycoon and his son James Murdoch's role in the News of the World phone-hacking affair. The culture, media and sport select committee said that James Murdoch, until recently ...
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BSkyB posts record results, distances itself from NewsCorp
Baltimore Sun
LONDON (Reuters) - Satellite broadcaster BSkyB sought to distance itself from the phone hacking controversy at its biggest shareholder on Wednesday after British lawmakers suggested the ties to Rupert Murdoch's News Corp might endanger its license.
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Rupert Murdoch not fit to run business, UK lawmakers rule
Global media tycoon Rupert Murdoch is "not a fit person" to run a major international company, British lawmakers investigating phone hacking at his tabloid News of the World reported Tuesday. The ruling could prompt British regulators to force him to ...
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News Corp. Closeness to Tories Highlighted by Split on Report
Conservative panel members insisted their refusal to support a finding in a report on phone hacking scandal that Murdoch was "not a fit person" to run News Corp. was based on a lack of evidence he knew anything about illegal activities within the ...
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
Reading the British Hacking Report -
Journalists and bloggers begin to annotate and analyze a British parliamentary panel's report issued on the hacking scandal at newspapers owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation.
The Lede
UK Phone Hacking Report Analysis -- Criticism Of Rupert And ...
By NANCY TARTAGLIONE, International Editor
Although speculation as to its contents was in many ways on the mark, the UK government's select committee report into phone hacking had a few surprises.
British Phone Hacking Report Issued | C-SPAN
A British Parliament committee released its report Tuesday on the British phone having investigation. The report found that some senior executives at the now-defunct British tabloid "News of the World" and at News International mislead ...
C-SPAN Recent Events
June is government-hacking month | TechRepublic
By Chris Duckett
A pair of hackfests aimed at government data is set to hit Canberra and Sydney in June.
on TechRepublic
British MPs Declare Rupert Murdoch 'Unfit' to Run News Corp ...
By Megan Gibson
Louise Mensch has a lot to say about the British media and as with many of her opinions she's quick to share. "I think it's clear that there needs to be a change," she says decisively, sitting in the courtyard of Portcullis House, the office building ...
Global Spin

Web2 new results for hacking
At London Inquiry, Rupert Murdoch Apologizes Over Hacking ...
On the witness stand, Rupert Murdoch, the chief of News Corporation, said he failed to take measures to avert a hacking scandal.
Hacking Scandal Starts to Hem In Rupert Murdoch's Empire ...
The phone-hacking scandal in Britain is taking a toll on Rupert Murdoch's broader holdings, prompting worry at News Corporation that years of business ...

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