Friday, May 4, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News7 new results for hacking
British Government Seeks Special Status at Hacking Inquiry
New York Times
LONDON — Days before two former executives at Rupert Murdoch's tabloid newspapers here are to testify at a judicial inquiry into Britain's phone hacking scandal, the government of Prime Minister David Cameron applied to the panel on Friday for a ...
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Britain: Ex-Officials in Murdoch Empire to Face Questions in Hacking Inquiry
New York Times
Two former executives at Rupert Murdoch's British tabloid newspapers, Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson, pivotal figures in the phone hacking scandal with strong links to Prime Minister David Cameron, will give evidence to a public inquiry next week, ...
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UK govt asks for special status in media probe
Cameron reluctantly ordered senior judge Brian Leveson to investigate the conduct and ethics of the press last year after the mass-selling News of the World admitted hacking into phones on an industrial scale to generate stories.
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iPad Hack: Is Jailbreaking Any Way to Get a Job at Apple?
The developer, a Georgia Tech student named Daniel Hooper, follows a long line of people who have tried to use their hacking skills as entreé into Apple, not always successfully. As described in a story in this week's New Yorker, George Hotz, ...
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'Unknowns' hack NASA, Air Force, Harvard, 7 other sites
By Michael Winter, USA TODAY A shadowy group of hackers called "The Unknowns" claims it broke into several high-profile computer networks, including NASA, the US Air Force, Harvard, the French Ministry of Defense and the European Space Agency.
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Rebekah Brooks called to UK press ethics inquiry
Brooks, who resigned in July as head of Murdoch's British newspaper operation, is one of the central figures in the scandal over tabloid phone hacking that is shaking the country and Murdoch's News Corp. She has twice been arrested and questioned by ...
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NASA Says No Sensitive Information Breached in Unknowns Hack
By Jeremy Kirk, IDG-News-Service:Sydney-Bureau NASA acknowledged Friday an attack on one of its websites by "The Unknowns," a group that has been publicly trickling information on websites it has hacked over the last few weeks.
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Blogs4 new results for hacking
Daniel Ben-Horin: New Olympic Competition: Hacking the Olympics
By Daniel Ben-Horin
The 2012 Olympics are going to get hacked. We're about to see what happens when an irresistible force -- angry teched-up people linked by social media -- collides with an immovable object --the corporatized branding colossus known as the ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed
Senate Seeks Hacking Probe Info
By (Kevin McCauley)
Senator Jay Rockefeller asks British hacking panel for any evidence of possible illegal activity that involved U.S. citizens or happened here. Read the full story (sub req'd) | Subscribe to O'Dwyer's. Posted by Kevin McCauley in media at 15:14 ...
O'Dwyer's Blog: Covering PR,...
Businesses face rise in hacking attacks - Computer Weekly Data Bank
By Bill Goodwin
Businesses face rise in hacking attacks. By Bill Goodwin on May 3, 2012 4:20 PM | No Comments. | More. Hacking attacks.jpg. Source: Information security breaches survey 2012. Seven out of 10 large organisations reported significant ...
Computer Weekly Data Bank
Oulu Researchers: Consumers at Serious Risk of Hacking | 65 ...
By Editor
People who use consumer electronics are at serious risk of being hacked, according to a series of security tests conducted by Oulu-based company Codenomicon.
65 Degrees North

Web3 new results for hacking
Phone hacking report: see how the select committee voted on each ...
The phone hacking select committee report is out. See how its members voted on how it was written.
James Murdoch to be criticised by phone-hacking report | Media ...
MPs conclude they cannot decide whether James Murdoch misled them but say he did not ask right questions about NoW.
Phone-hacking report puts David Cameron in an uncomfortable ...
The prime minister genuinely admires Murdoch, but he may feel uneasy at the sight of his MPs standing by the News Corp boss.

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