Thursday, May 17, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News8 new results for hacking
How Mark Zuckerberg Hacked the Valley
Zuckerberg's true skill has always been a facility for hacking. That's a foundational verb at Facebook, to hack. In its offering prospectus, Facebook repeatedly describes its corporate culture as "the hacker way"; on its new campus, a 57-acre office ...
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News Corp. Seven Boxes Spirited Away During Pivotal Hacking Week
San Francisco Chronicle
News International and the London Metropolitan Police Service, which has been collecting evidence related to phone- hacking and other illegal activities at Murdoch-owned newspapers in the UK, declined to comment on the contents of the boxes or to ...
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After 7 Years, No End in Sight to Phone Hacking Scandal
New York Times
LONDON — The phone hacking scandal that shook Rupert Murdoch's global media empire and hit the heart of the British government began quietly on a Monday in 2005, when aides to the British royal family gathered in a palace office appointed with ...
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New York Times
Rupert Murdoch Made Brooks a Priority, As Did Prosecutors
Chairman Rupert Murdoch arrived in London last July to take charge of a burgeoning phone-hacking scandal and was asked by reporters what his priority was. "This one," the 81-year-old media mogul snapped, gesturing to red-haired Rebekah Brooks, ...
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Rebekah Brooks charged in UK hacking case
Times Herald-Record
Former News of the World Editor Rebekah Brooks, left, arrives at Lewisham police station, London where she charged over alleged attempts to conceal evidence of Britain's tabloid phone hacking scandal Tuesday. The 43-year-old Brooks, who quit as News ...
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Facebook to kick off IPO the hacker way: reports
Facebook will go public hacker style with an all-night software bending bash to culminate with co-founder Mark Zuckerberg remotely ringing the Nasdaq opening bell on Friday, reports said. Facebook will go public hacker style with an all-night software ...
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Officials: No damage from Arizona legislative website hacking
Arizona Republic
16, 2012 09:29 PM Legislative officials said there appeared to be no damage to their public website from a hacking incident Tuesday, although the incident highlighted shortcomings in their technology safety net. An anonymous "hacktivist" group called ...
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UK jails man for hacking Facebook account
Fox News
LONDON – Police say a 21-year-old British man has been sentenced to a year in jail for hacking into the Facebook account of someone in the US Scotland Yard said Wednesday that Gareth Crosskey had hacked into a private individual's Facebook account on ...
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Blogs2 new results for hacking
wow_ladies: Hacking Maybe?
By Castalyne
I have a small problem I'd like to relate to you gals. You see, it began two days ago with the release of Diablo 3. I hooked D3 up to as I normally do with all the Blizzard games and began to take a leisurely stroll around my WoW ...
WoW_Ladies: Girl Gamers of World...
Hacking a 1st Gen Case for a New iPad | Apartment Therapy
By Joelle Alcaidinho
Love your first generation iPad case but now have the new iPad? While the design between the generations has not radically changed, there are enough differences to make a case designed for the first generation not workable for the other ...
Main | Apartment Therapy

Web2 new results for hacking
Ex-Murdoch confidante to learn phone-hacking fate | Reuters
LONDON (Reuters) - Rebekah Brooks, a former top lieutenant in Rupert Murdoch's media empire, will learn on Tuesday whether she will be charged as part of a ...
Bilderberg Technocrats Hacking U.S. Elections Alex Jones' Infowars ...
Well this is my first time here. interesting site! you know they made a movie of this same thing how elections are scamed by hackers.It should be paper ballots!

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