Sunday, May 20, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Rennie presses for hacking answers
Fife Today
Scotland's top civil servant and the head of the police's phone-hacking investigation have been asked to reveal whether Scottish Government phones were hacked. First Minister Alex Salmond has so far refused to bow to pressure from opposition parties to ...
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Fife Today
High School Hacker Ordered to Back to School to Make Amends
ABC News (blog)
Coyner, who pleaded guilty to hacking into Nye County, Nev., school computers to change his own and other students' grades, was ordered by District Judge Kimberly Wanker to give a speech about what he did and the consequences at Pahrump Valley High ...
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Sue Akers: Phone hack police chief to retire
BBC News
The senior Scotland Yard officer in charge of three linked phone-hacking investigations will retire later this year, the Met has confirmed. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Sue Akers notified her bosses last autumn that she planned to leave after the ...
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BBC News
Sue Akers, phone-hacking inquiry head, to retire from Met
The Guardian
Sue Akers, who has been leading Scotland's Yard investigation into phone hacking, is to retire after the Olympics, the Metropolitan police has confirmed. The Met deputy assistant commissioner has been on the force for 36 years.
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The Guardian
Meet The Disrupt NY 2012 Hackathon Hackers
It's been about eight hours since our big Disrupt Hackathon kicked off, and all of our intrepid hackers have been busy letting the code (and the caffeine) fly ever since. I managed to tear a few of them away from their work (these folks are pretty ...
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Phone-hacking Met investigator to stand down
The Independent
The senior Scotland Yard officer leading the investigation into allegations that the Murdoch media empire carried out widespread phone and computer hacking is to stand down from her job after the Olympics. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Sue Akers ...
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Police chief at head of hacking probe is to retire
The chief policewoman at the helm of Scotland Yard's long-running investigation into phone hacking, illicit payments and computer hacking will retire this year, the Metropolitan Police has announced. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Sue Akers will retire ...
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Met Police Hacking Cop To Retire
ITV News
The senior policewoman leading Scotland's Yard investigation into phone hacking is to retire after the Olympics, the Met has confirmed. Dep Asst Comm Sue Akers, who has served on the force for 36 years, is leading three linked inquiries into phone ...
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Cruise a victim of hacking?
Himalayan Times
LONDON: Tom Cruise has claimed in an interview that his mobile phone may have been hacked by journalists working for Rupert Murdoch's News of the World in the past. The Hollywood icon did not elaborate further, but his comments make him by far the ...
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Sue Akers, Scotland Yard's Phone Hacking Inquiry Chief, To Retire
Huffington Post UK
Deputy Assistant Commissioner Sue Akers, who has served on the force for 36 years, is in charge of the three linked inquiries into phone hacking, illicit payments and computer hacking. She has also been leading MPS inquiries into the potential ...
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Web1 new result for hacking
Sue Akers, phone-hacking inquiry head, to retire from Met | UK news ...
Senior police officer will leave after London 2012 Olympics, Scotland Yard has announced.

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