Monday, May 7, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
The Cozy Compliance of the News Corp. Board
New York Times
If you sat on the board of a company that was raked over the coals by a British parliamentary committee in a 121-page document, accused of a pattern of corporate misconduct that included widespread phone hacking and an ensuing cover-up by senior ...
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New York Times
'The Avengers' Mark Ruffalo Is the Latest Victim of Twitter Hacking
Hollywood Reporter
Mark Ruffalo, who can be seen as the giant green superhero in Marvel's The Avengers, had his Twitter account hacked on Sunday, resulting in spam messages sent to more than 155000 followers. The first suspicious tweet came just before 3 pm PT and was ...
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Hollywood Reporter
Who's Afraid of a Big, Bad Hacking Story?
Yes, that's right -- it's Barnes & Noble (NYSE: BKS) Linux Girl is referring to; specifically, its decision to yank the very excellent Linux Format magazine from its US shelves -- apparently because of a cover story on the topic of "hacking.
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Leveson Inquiry: Will Andy Coulson cash in on his Downing Street secrets?
Daily Mail
But Coulson's inquiry evidence — which will concentrate on what he knew about phone hacking when he was editor of the News of the World — could prove less damaging to the Prime Minister than another ticking timebomb. Coulson kept a detailed diary of ...
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Daily Mail
The hacking group Anonymous claims to have info on UFO and alien life or not
The controversial hacker group Anonymous appears to have moved past its role of hacking into government systems. Now the group has supposedly released a video that says "we are not alone." In the coming weeks, they are said to be planning to release ...
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Reuters People News Summary
Chicago Tribune
Murdochs face tough week over scandal LONDON (Reuters) - Rupert Murdoch's tetchy and uncompromising appearance at a British inquiry into phone hacking could come back to haunt him this week when politicians give their verdict on the scandal at his ...
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NASA, Air Force, Harvard, Military, ESA Hacked by Gray Hats 'The Unknowns'
Network World
A new hacking collective called 'The Unknowns' breached 10 high-profile websites including NASA, the US Air Force, Harvard University and the ESA before dumping proof on Pastebin. After the leaks and both NASA and ESA confirmed the hacks, ...
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BSkyB scandal: David Cameron fears Rebekah Brooks texts will be made public at ...
Daily Mail
Mr Coulson is understood to have been awarded the stock in the US company when he resigned as News of the World editor in 2007 over phone hacking claims. He went on to become Downing Street Communications Director with close links to Mr Cameron, ...
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Daily Mail
"Avengers" Star Mark Ruffalo's Twitter Account Hacked
Taylor Hill/Getty Images(LOS ANGELES) -- Avengers star Mark Ruffalo may seek to avenge the hacking of his Twitter account. The Hollywood Reporter says Ruffalo's account was hacked on Sunday, and resulted in spam being sent to more than 155000 followers ...
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