Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
UK hacker hits Justin Bieber's girlfriend account
By RAPHAEL SATTER Britain's judiciary says that a 21-year-old sentenced last week for hacking into a US-based Facebook account accessed the page belonging to teen actress Selena Gomez, who is the girlfriend of pop idol Justin Bieber.
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UK lawmakers scared of News International: MP
By Michael Holden | LONDON (Reuters) - British lawmaker Tom Watson, an outspoken critic of Rupert Murdoch who played a prominent role in exposing phone hacking at his British newspaper business, said on Tuesday politicians had been scared of being ...
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Hackers Impersonate Web Billing Firm's Staff To Spill 500000 Users' Passwords ...
An image used as a profile picture on Twitter by UGNazi, the hacker group that claims credit for leaking web billing firm WHMCS's user database. British Web billing firm WHMCS is reeling from an attack that spilled its user accounts, deleted reams of ...
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CamPatch Study Reveals 1 in 2 Americans Clueless about Webcam Hacking
MarketWatch (press release)
CHICAGO, May 23, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- About 1 of every 2 laptop users in a recent study said they were unaware of the latest trend in cybercrime -- webcam hacking. According to the findings, 51% of laptop users did not know it was possible for a ...
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Phone-hack lie accused set to front MPs
Great Lakes Advocate
Three former executives of Rupert Murdoch's scandal-ridden British arm, News International, are to face Parliament's watchdog over claims they lied when giving evidence over phone-hacking. Colin Myler, former editor of the News of the World, ...
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Phone hacking: Commons to probe News International executives
The Commons standards watchdog has been asked to examine claims that three former News International executives lied to MPs examining the phone-hacking scandal. The men have denied the allegations but the committee's chairman John Whittingdale said ...
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Phone hacking 'lies' referred to Commons
THE Commons standards watchdog has been asked to examine claims that three former News International executives lied to MPs examining the phone-hacking scandal. Former News of the World editor Colin Myler, the paper's former legal manager Tom Crone and ...
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Hacking code of leaf vein architecture solves mysteries, allows predictions of ...
Vein network in tropical forest tree. The highly organized minor vein network in a leaf of a tropical forest tree, Ampelocera ruizii. UCLA research shows how the scaling of vein systems across flowering plants arises from a general developmental ...
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Selena Gomez's Facebook Hacker Gets a Year in Jail
NBC Chicago
A man was just sentenced to a year in jail in Britain for having allegedly hacked into Selena Gomez's Facebook page to post an insult about her boyfriend Justin Bieber. Selena Gomez chats about the long process of creating her new fragrance.
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Phone-hacking debate: wrath falls on Rupert Murdoch's mendacious men
The Guardian
The gist was that all three men had known perfectly well that phone hacking was continuing on an industrial scale even while they were insisting to MPs that it was the fault of one rogue reporter. ("My wife has obtained a colour chart from Brush Off ...
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The Guardian

Blogs4 new results for hacking
Blizzard denies Diablo III authenticator hacking claims | Massively
By Justin Olivetti
We've been following the mass reports of hackers bypassing passwords and authenticators to rob Diablo III accounts blind, and now we have a new twist on the story. While Blizzard confirmed "an increase in reports of individual account ...
MPs debate culture committee report on phone hacking: Politics live ...
By Andrew Sparrow
Andrew Sparrow's rolling coverage of all the day's political developments including Nick Clegg's speech on social mobility and the Commons debate on the culture committee report on phone hacking.
Blogposts |
Diablo 3 Hackers Stealing Loot, Gold, And Accounts -- Blizzard ...
By G4TVLeah
Diablo 3 players have been reporting that hackers are on the loose left and right, stealing loot, gold and even accounts from unsuspecting victims. Unfortunately, the hacking doesn't come as a...
G4 TV - TheFeed
New Hacking Group Targets NASA | Space Safety Magazine
By Rachel C. Samples
On May 1, NASA acknowledged that it was hacked by a new community called the Unknowns. The site in question was one hosted by the Glenn Research Center. NASA claims that security was never at risk. "NASA security officials detected ...
Space Safety Magazine

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