Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Phone hacking: Woman held in media probe
BBC News
A 31-year-old woman has been arrested by detectives investigating phone hacking by the media. The woman, understood to be former News of the World reporter Bethany Usher, was arrested in north-east England by officers from Operation Weeting. ...
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BBC News
British Inquiry Is Told Hacking Is Worthy Tool
New York Times
By SARAH LYALL LONDON — He admitted that he and his colleagues hacked into people's phones and paid police officers for tips. He confessed to lurking in unmarked vans outside people's houses, stealing confidential documents, rifling through celebrity ...
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New York Times
Mahesh Bhatt's hacker abuses KRK, Poonam Pandey, Sunny Leone
Times of India
Now its come to the email and other accounts being hacked directly! This is all the more troublesome considering; the messages go out from the celebs' end addressed to other celebrities from his/her verified account! Filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt is the ...
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Ex-Blair aide testifies on phone hacking
CNN International
By Richard Allen Greene, CNN Alastair Campbell, former aide to Tony Blair, is among the high-profile figures to give evidence to the phone-hacking inquiry. London (CNN) -- British newspapers print "complete nonsense" in support of agendas set by their ...
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Phone hacking: former News of The World reporter Bethany Usher arrested in ...
Former News of the World journalist Bethany Usher has been arrested on suspicion of phone hacking. She worked for the News of the World from 2006 to 2007 and currently lectures in journalism at Teesside University. By Mark Hughes, Crime Correspondent ...
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Can hackers really set fire to your printer? HP says no way
Los Angeles Times
Talk about a hot story: On Tuesday an article on suggested the possibility of hackers from across the world hacking into a printer and giving it instructions so crazed that the printer would overheat and catch fire. ...
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Hacking fears of NI secretary appalling
Belfast Newsletter
Peter Hain who has been warned his computer may have been hacked while he was Northern Ireland Secretary. REVELATIONS that police are investigating the possible hacking of a computer belonging to a former secretary of state have been described as ...
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Belfast Newsletter
Foreign hackers targeted Canadian firms
A leading cyber-crime expert says foreign hackers who launched a massive attack on Canadian government computers last fall also broke into the data systems of prominent Bay Street law firms and other companies to get insider information on an attempted ...
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UN email details published by hackers
TG Daily
The Teampoison group of hackers has claimed responsibility for hacking a UN agency, and has posted more than 100 email addresses and login details on Pastebin. Most of the data belongs to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), although other ...
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TG Daily
Leveson inquiry into phone hacking: who's appearing on Wednesday
The Guardian
Tony Blair's former director of communications has criticised newspapers for spinning stories more effectively than any publicist could. A former journalist at the Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror and Today, Campbell was on first name terms with nearly ...
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The Guardian

Blogs5 new results for hacking
Phone Hacking Was "Perfectly Acceptable" – Or So Ex-News Corp ...
In some of the most startling testimony yet in the British government's investigation into press ethics and phone hacking, former News of the World deputy features editor Paul McMullan declared Tuesday that departed editor Andy Coulson and ...
Britain's Phone-Hacking Hearings Heat Up (Video) - The Daily Beast
By The Daily Beast
Britain's inquiry into the Murdoch media scandal uncovered sordid new allegations today. See more updates.
The LWOT: Phone Hacking Linked to Terrorist Activity - Jennifer ...
Phone hacking linked to terrorist activity. Police in the Philippines on November 23 arrested four people for their suspected involvement in a $2 million telephone scam targeting customers of AT&T that provided funds to a Saudi-based terrorist ...
Foreign Policy
Hacking Music with Max and SuperCollider - IEEE Spectrum
2011 was a good year for users of the two leading music programming languages.
IEEE Spectrum Recent Content
News Corp. Hacking Extended to UK National Security (Report ...
By Lucas Shaw
New allegations surface that News Corp.'s UK publishing arm hacked into the computer of former Northern Ireland Secretary Peter Hain. - Entertainment Industry...

Web3 new results for hacking
Another petty act of press intimidation | Hacking inquiry - Hacked off
A few days ago something happened which we in Hacked Off had been hoping to arrange for many months. For the first time, a large group of people who have ...
Four Filipinos arrested for hacking AT&T phones 'to fund Saudi terror ...
The Philippine Criminal Investigation and Detection Group said it worked with the FBI to arrest the suspects last week.
Nexon pushes ahead with IPO, hacking impact looms | Reuters
TOKYO (Reuters) - Online gaming firm Nexon Co said on Monday it would raise up to 98 billion yen ($1.3 billion) in an initial public offering this month, pushing ...

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