Saturday, November 19, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
More charges in celebrity hacking case
CBS News
(AP Photo/Reed Saxon) LOS ANGELES - A Florida man has been indicted on two additional felony counts for allegedly hacking into an email account belonging to an unnamed actress, according to court documents obtained Friday. ...
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Foreign hackers hit public water system
Sydney Morning Herald
It's possible … a hacker from the Anonymous collective posted this screenshot to prove how easy it is to hack into these kinds of public water systems. SAN FRANCISCO: A cyber strike launched from outside the US has hit a public water system in ...
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Sydney Morning Herald
NoW hacking victims claim investigator tracked phones
BBC News
Glenn Mulcaire, who was jailed for phone hacking for the News of the World, is linked to the so-called pinging of mobiles and computer hacking, a High Court civil case heard. Pinging is tightly regulated and restricted to police, security services and ...
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BBC News
Unprecedented hack attacks on Norwegian firms
OSLO — The biggest wave of hacking and espionage attacks in Norway's history has hit key defence and energy companies, the National Security Agency (NSM) said Friday. At least 10 companies have over the past year fallen victim to hackers in a string ...
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Hacker Group Attacks Cop, Claims Solidarity With Occupy Wall Street
Huffington Post
Hackers affiliated with the groups Antisec and Anonymous said Friday that they were releasing over 38000 private emails belonging to Fred Baclagan, a former Special Agent Supervisor of the California Department of Justice who oversaw computer crime ...
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Port Hacking Race: Ginger takes double in the fog
In a fog ridden haze, Leslie Green's Ginger, has scored a double victory in the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia's Ocean Point Score Race 4 to Port Hacking return this afternoon, taking out line and IRC overall honours. A casual entry in the race, ...
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The mad hacker: A cyber criminal's successful transition
The Express Tribune
In 2008, Shahzad Shaikha, now in his early-30s, was transitioning from a hacker who broke into websites, stole classified information and called himself an "online vandal", into the flipside of his previous persona. Instead of breaking into websites ...
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The Express Tribune
Facebook Hack: Who is Courtney Zito?
Christian Post
By Justin Sarachik | Christian Post Reporter Earlier this week Facebook was under heavy attack for two or three days as the popular social networking site became the victim of a severe hacking spree affecting a majority of users on the site. ...
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Hugh Grant, JK Rowling to tell of phone hacking
Sacramento Bee
The inquiry was triggered by the scandal over phone hacking at now-defunct tabloid News of the World. More than 20 alleged hacking victims are scheduled to give evidence starting Monday, including the parents of 13-year-old Milly Dowler, ...
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Lafayette freshman charged with hacking school system websites
By Ken Nicholson, Host/Producer - bio | email LAFAYETTE, WALKER COUNTY (WRCB)-- The Walker County Sheriff's Office has charged a Lafayette High School freshman, accused of hacking the school's website. Sheriff Steve Wilson tells Channel 3, ...
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Blogs3 new results for hacking
Hugh Grant To Testify On Phone Hacking Scandal |
By Perez Hilton
You´re doing the right thing, Hugh! We continue to support this! To recap, back in July, Hugh Grant opened up about his decision to expose the News of the World (NOTW) phone hacking scandal to...
APNewsBreak: More charges in celeb hacking case | The ...
By The Associated Press
A Florida man has been indicted on two additional felony counts for allegedly hacking into an email account belonging to an unnamed actress, according to court documents obtained Friday.
Examiner Entertainment RSS
Feel like hacking some Portland municipal data, this weekend? Well ...
By Rick Turoczy
It's no secret that the City of Portland has opened up some of its data to allow developers to hack around and build interesting things that use that data. But just hacking on that stuff all by your lonesome isn't always that fun. That's why there are ...
Silicon Florist

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