Sunday, November 27, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
Phone Hacking Tied to Terrorists
New York Times
By SOMINI SENGUPTA Four people in the Philippines hacked into the accounts of AT&T business customers in the United States and diverted money to a group that financed terrorist attacks across Asia, according to police officials in the Philippines. ...
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Phone hacking: Leveson inquiry is for all of our society, not just celebrities
The Guardian
Journalists have hacked phones and people's email accounts, undertaken surveillance at close and long range, sown suspicion among friends and within families, induced people to become informants, threatened, blackmailed and bullied, especially those ...
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Phone hacking: Channel 4 finds that Lord Leveson's inquiry is no laughing matter
Channel 4 has not yet set a broadcast date for Hacks, its comedy about the phone-hacking scandal. By Richard Eden The harrowing testimony of witnesses such as the parents of Madeleine McCann and of Milly Dowler at the Leveson inquiry has put Channel 4 ...
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Sources: Strauss-Kahn Suspected Phone Hacking
Fox News
Disgraced ex-International Monetary Fund (IMF) head Dominique Strauss-Kahn suspected a smartphone that disappeared just before his arrest on sexual assault charges in New York was hacked, sources said Saturday, AFP reports. Several sources close to ...
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Fox News
Hackers leak personal details of 13 million South Koreans
Personal information of more than 13 million subscribers of a popular online game in South Korea has been leaked by hackers. The Korea Communications Commission (KCC) said in a statement that games manufacturer Nexon reported to the commission that the ...
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Ruth Dudley Edwards: Psychopaths in the press can poison public mind
Irish Independent
JK Rowling, creator of Harry Potter, was kind to journalists last Thursday when she gave evidence to the Leveson Inquiry into the British phone-hacking scandal. She didn't denounce the whole profession: "We have at one end of the spectrum people who ...
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Police begin investigation on Maple Story server hacking
The Korea Herald
By Choi He-suk The police are investigating the hacking of 13.2 million users of Nexen's massively multiplayer online role-playing game Maple Story. On Thursday, Nexen found that Maple Story's backup server had been hacked, and personal information of ...
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China gives Japan cold shoulder on hacking probe
The Japan Times
... Hu Jintao and other senior officials when he visits China next month, they said. With China repelling suspicions raised in Japan about the attacks coming from hackers in China, the chances of Noda gaining Beijing's cooperation are slim, observers say.
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Piers Morgan Welcomes Baby Daughter
Hollywood Reporter
He also is embroiled in the News Corp. phone-hacking scandal. On Thursday, Lord Justice Leveson said Morgan will be called to "explain himself" over comments he made relating to phone hacking in 2007. Piers Morgan.
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Hollywood Reporter

Blogs2 new results for hacking
AT&T phone hacking linked to terrorism - AfterDawn
According to police reports in the Philippines, four citizens are accused of hacking into the accounts of AT&T business customers in the U.S. and diverting money to help ...
UK Police Spent Only $125000 Investigating ' Climategate' Hacking ...
By Brendan DeMelle
The UK police force tasked with investigating the hacking of emails and documents from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia seems to have quietly de-prioritized its investigation earlier this year.
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