Thursday, November 17, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
UK lawyer: Grieving parents were hacking victims
By RAPHAEL G. SATTER Rupert Murdoch's Sunday tabloid was an institutionally corrupt British newspaper whose phone hacking victims may have included the parents of a teenage murder victim, a lawyer for the victims said Wednesday. ...
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2 lakh Facebook accounts hacked in Bangalore
In the latest of facebook scares, some two lakh Facebook users in Bangalore have suffered due to hacking of their accounts. In fact, the hack attack has been reported worldwide. What's even more shocking is that weblinks to their doctored pornographic ...
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Teacher hacked to death in front of pupils
Independent Online
Photo: Moloko Moloto A Grade 7 teacher invigilating an exam at a Polokwane primary school was hacked to death, allegedly by his brother, in front of his 40 pupils. Gilford Shapo, 53, was hacked several times in the head with a machete and died a few ...
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Independent Online
Phone hacking: Sun's former head of features sues News Corp execs
The Guardian
The Sun's former head of features, who was sacked in July, is suing News Group Newspapers and four members of the News Corporation team investigating phone hacking for wrongful dismissal and breach of contract. Matt Nixson is suing his former employer, ...
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UK press in dock over phone-hacking, lawyer says
By Michael Holden LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's entire press stands in the dock at an inquiry into media standards, said a lawyer representing victims of press intrusion and phone-hacking by Rupert Murdoch's News of the World. ...
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Another Romanian Accused of Hacking into NASA
Wall Street Journal (blog)
By Nick Clayton Gaining access to NASA servers is beginning to look as if it is almost a rite of passage for some hackers, especially from Romania. It may not yet quite be a regular occurrence, but it is not totally uncommon, as Information Week ...
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Phone Hacking Shows News Corp. 'Dominance,' Need for Media Rules
s phone-hacking scandal in Britain showed the influence of a "dominant company" in a country with weak media rules, Alan Rusbridger, editor of the Guardian newspaper, told a government inquiry. News Corp. came close this year to a full takeover of ...
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Should hacking be condoned as espionage?
Seattle University Spectator (blog)
The Duqu virus named "Son of Stuxnet" (named after another virus that focused on destroying computers) creates another entry point for hackers to networks and networked computers. To put this into more visual terms, picture the virus as a copy of a ...
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iPhone 4S Siri Applidium hack, possible Android app
Phones Review
As you may know, the hacking community has been hard at work trying to crack the newest piece of Apple tech on the iPhone 4S, the Siri voice assistant, and although we have already seen Siri partially play on the iPhone 4 and iPhone 3S, it appears that ...
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Phones Review

Blogs5 new results for hacking
Key Figure in the News Corp. Hacking Scandal Speaks Up For ...
By John Cook
Neville Thurlbeck, the former News of the World reporter whose name in the subject line of an e-mail—"For Neville"—was the thread that unraveled the whole hacking mess at News International, has spoken out for the first time. And he insists ...
Milly Dowler's Parents Apparently Victims Of Phone Hacking and ...
By The Huffington Post News Editors
LONDON -- Rupert Murdoch's Sunday tabloid was an institutionally corrupt British newspaper whose phone hacking victims may have included the parents of a teenage murder victim, a lawyer for the victims said Wednesday. David Sherborne ...
The Full Feed from
U.S. China Satellite Hacking Report Published | TPM Idea Lab
By Carl Franzen
The final copy of a lengthy report from a Congressional advisory panel advising lawmakers on U.S.-China relations was released online Wednesday, containing, among numerous other revelations, a new assessment of the "malicious cyber ...
Cafe Talk Aggregator
Some Handy Tips To Avoid The Current Hacking Epidemic On ...
By MTV News
By Dionne Buxton. The saying goes, "Curiosity killed the cat." Well, in this case, it just killed your reputation. If you've logged onto Facebook in the past week, chances are you've seen horrid images posted by your "friends" clogging up your ...
MTV Newsroom
Hacking inquiry: Lawyer puts British press, firmly, in the dock | Firstpost
A lawyer representing 51 alleged victims of phone hacking by British tabloids laid out a litany of charges before the inquiry looking into press abuses including bribing, bullying and computer hacking.

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