Monday, November 14, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
British phone-hacking hearings begin
The Leveson Inquiry will hear from celebrities including Hugh Grant and JK Rowling, who believe they may have been victims of phone hacking, as well as from journalists, crime victims, politicians and other experts. British Prime Minister David Cameron ...
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Phone hacking: 58% of UK public say they have lost trust in papers
The Guardian
Phone hacking: The UK press is consistently rated as less reliable by domestic audiences compared with most other EU countries. Photograph: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images More than half of the British public say the phone-hacking scandal has damaged ...
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Phone hacking: Times editor criticises Tom Watson over mafia comment
The Guardian
Phone hacking: Tom Watson accused James Murdoch of being the 'first mafia boss in history who didn't know he was running a criminal enterprise'. Photograph: Getty Images/AFP The editor of the Times has criticised the Labour MP who last week compared ...
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Hackers threaten to 'remove' Toronto from Internet if it evicts Occupy protesters
Vancouver Sun
By Tristin Hopper, Postmedia News November 13, 2011 A hacker group is standing up for Occupy Toronto protesters, threatening to unleash a cyber attack on the city if it interferes with the month-long demonstration. TORONTO — The notorious hacker group ...
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James Murdoch 'kept in dark' on hacking - reporter
Reuters India
LONDON (Reuters) - News Corp's James Murdoch was "kept in the dark" about the scale of phone hacking at the News of the World by his subordinates who tried to manage the problem, the newspaper's former chief reporter said on Monday. ...
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BBC constrained by need to avoid political bias, admits Lord Patten
The Guardian
Lord Patten said that the BBC was unable to investigate some of the most important stories of the day, such as phone hacking. Photograph: Peter Macdiarmid/PA The BBC is unable to conduct investigations into some of the most important stories of the day ...
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The Guardian
Private detectives 'hack phones'
The Press Association
It comes after the scandal surrounding the hacking of phones of crime victims like Milly Dowler and celebrities by detectives hired by the now defunct News of the World. The BBC said the practice was still widespread among some private investigators ...
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Hacking Victim Becomes Web Sex Star
Angie Varona: How a 14-Year-Old Unwillingly Became an Internet Sex Symbol Angie Varona's private photos were hacked years ago, but consequences linger. Angie Varona is one of the most recognized young sex symbols on the Internet, not because she is an ...
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News Ltd cleared of bribery and phone hacking
Herald Sun
Picture: Ray Strange Source: HWT Image Library A FORENSIC probe of five years of newsroom spending at the Herald Sun and other major Rupert Murdoch-owned newspapers in Australia has found no evidence of bribery or phone hacking. ...
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On elections day, Web users hack website of Mexican party supporting ...
Washington Post
MEXICO CITY — Web users claiming to be in the hacking movement known as "Anonymous" say they are behind an attack on the website of a Mexican political party backing the gubernatorial race of President Felipe Calderon's sister. The New Alliance Party ...
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Blogs4 new results for hacking
Leveson Inquiry Into Phone Hacking, Media Begins
By The Huffington Post News Editors
LONDON — A British judge is opening a high-level public inquiry Monday into the behavior of the nation's press, an investigation prompted by revelations and allegations of widespread criminal behavior at a mass-market tabloid. Justice Brian ...
The Full Feed from
GScholarXScraper: Hacking the GScholarScraper function with ...
By Tony Breyal
Kay Cichini recently wrote a word-cloud R function called GScholarScraper on his blog which when given a search string will scrape the associated search results returned by Google Scholar, across pages, and then produce a word-cloud ...
Free pass to Online Ethical Hacking Training on Innobuzz! | News ...
By Maciej Kozuszek
Master Your IT Security Skills With PenTest and Innobuzz! Awesome gift from Innobuzz for our new subscribers! Let us deliver the classes straight to | Free pass to Online Ethical Hacking Training on Innobuzz! | The only magazine devoted ...
PenTest Magazine
Hack on hacking | Pure Poison
By Dave Gaukroger
A cynic might think that the Hun is after a bit of payback with the "Hacking" label after The Age ran hard on News Ltd in the wake of the News of the World voicemail intercepts, or ask why the Hun is upset with The Age revealing just how much ...
Pure Poison

Web2 new results for hacking
James Murdoch Backed by BSkyB Board Following Hacking ...
James Murdoch, chairman of British Sky Broadcasting Group Plc, received the backing of the pay-TV company's board as some investors opposed his ...
James Murdoch Denies Wider Knowledge of Phone Hacking ...
James Murdoch returned to a parliamentary inquiry into the phone-hacking affair convulsing News Corporation and denied misleading the panel at an earlier ...

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