Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
Ex-footballer 'suspects hacking'
A former Premiership footballer who tried to stop a tabloid paper publishing details of his adultery has suggested that journalists may have hacked his phone. Ex-Blackburn Rovers captain Garry Flitcroft took out an injunction in April 2001 to prevent ...
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AT&T tells users of hacking attempt
Washington Post
21 (Bloomberg) -- AT&T Inc., the largest US telephone company, notified customers of an effort by hackers to collect online account information. "We recently detected an organized and systematic attempt to obtain information on a number of AT&T ...
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Elle Macpherson's adviser: Hacking cost me my job
Atlanta Journal Constitution
By RAPHAEL G. SATTER AP LONDON — Phone hacking by the media cost me my job advising Elle Macpherson, a business adviser told a UK inquiry Tuesday, describing how the Australian supermodel wrongly blamed her for leaking intimate secrets to the press. ...
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Atlanta Journal Constitution
Siri Hacked To Control a Thermostat -- What's Next?
Wired News
Image: Pete Lamonica The release of a Siri-hacking instruction manual has made it possible for developers to push the limits of Apple's voice-controlled digital assistant. Most recently, Apple's technology was modded to control a thermostat. ...
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Wired News
Leveson inquiry must not kill genuine investigative journalism
The Guardian
Hearing the details of the hacking of Milly Dowler's phone will bring home just how unnecessary it was. But Lord Justice Leveson's remit is broad and it represents a unique opportunity to assess the whole of the media's relationship with the law – not ...
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The Guardian
Media inquiry hears from phone hacking victims
ABC Online
MARK COLVIN: In London, the Leveson media inquiry has heard for the first time directly and publicly from victims of phone hacking. Bob and Sally Dowler, parents of the murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler, gave powerful testimony about finding out that ...
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Milly Dowler's parents angry at phone hacking
BBC News
The mother of murdered school girl Milly Dowler has told the Leveson Inquiry into press standards how she did not sleep for three nights after she learned that a private detective working for the News of the World had hacked her daughter's phone. ...
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BBC News
Android mobile OS becomes prime target for hackers: report
By Jameson Berkow, Financial Post November 21, 2011 11:00 PM Google Inc.'s Android software was the "exclusive" platform for hackers targeting mobile devices in the last quarter, McAfee Inc. said in a report Monday. The amount of malicious software ...
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Russian Hacker Temporarily Shuts Down Water Supply In Illinois, FBI Probe Launched
The Inquisitr
The hacking of the water pump did not effect water supply in Central, IL however it did signal the first publicly known case of a foreign hacker successfully penetrating a US industrial facility. The hack occurred on November 8 when a technician for ...
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
Hugh Grant Testifies at Phone-Hacking Inquiry - NYTimes.com
His testimony ranged broadly across the British tabloids and included his 10 myths about tabloid journalism.
Media Decoder
AT&T reveals hacking attempt | TG Daily
By Emma Woollacott
AT&T has warned customers of an attempt by hackers to access online account information. "We recently detected an organized and systematic attempt to obtain information on a number of AT&T customer accounts, including yours," the ...
TG Daily
Hugh Grant raises profile of hacking hearings in London - latimes.com
By Meg James
The tactics of British tabloids, including Rupert Murdoch's News Corp.'s now-defunct News of the World, are getting an airing this week as actor Hugh Grant and the parents of a slain London schoolgirl provide gripping testimony. Grant told ...
Company Town
Hugh Grant Talks Phone Hacking | Celebrity-gossip.net
By admin
Hugh Grant has accused another UK news source of phone hacking him.
Celebrity Center
AT&T informs users of "organized" hacking attempt
By Daniel McCall
Good news and bad news, AT&T customers. First, the bad: AT&T informed users today of an organized and systematic attempt to collect account information.
The Inquisitr

Web1 new result for hacking
Hugh Grant confronts press at hacking hearing - World news ...
British celebrity Hugh Grant and the parents of a murdered schoolgirl confronted their tabloid tormentors on Monday.

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