Thursday, November 24, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
Sienna Miller tells of terror at being hounded by press
Miller got a £100000 ($155000) payout earlier this year from the publisher of Rupert Murdoch's News of the World newspaper over phone hacking. But she told the inquiry she had sued for information about who was hacking her, not for the money. ...
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Man held on NI computer hack claims
The Press Association
A 52-year-old man is being questioned by detectives investigating claims that private investigators working for News International were involved in computer hacking. The suspect is being held on suspicion of Computer Misuse Act offences after being ...
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Phone hacking goes beyond News of the World, claims lawyer
Digital Spy
Mark Lewis, the lawyer who represents various phone hacking victims, has claimed that the illegal practice was "much more widespread" than just the News of the World. Speaking today at the Lord Leveson inquiry into press ethics and standards, ...
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James Murdoch quits newspaper boards
Sydney Morning Herald
The move could pave the way for the newspapers to be sold off after the phone-hacking scandal. Mr Murdoch is still a director on the boards of News Corp and BSkyB. He resigned three directorships closely associated with the day-to-day operations of its ...
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Sydney Morning Herald
FBI, DHS dismiss report of water plant hack
WASHINGTON — US investigators have dismissed a report that computer hackers were behind the failure of a water pump at a plant in the midwestern US state of Illinois. Chris Ortman, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security, said "detailed ...
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Hungarian Pleads Guilty to Hacking Into Marriott Computers
Wall Street Journal
By NATHALIE TADENA A Hungarian citizen pleaded guilty Wednesday to hacking into Marriott International Inc. computers and threatening to reveal confidential information if the hotel company didn't offer him a job, the US Department of Justice said ...
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Elle aide had 'life ruined' by hack
Sydney Morning Herald
Elle Macpherson's former adviser testifies how the one-time supermodel accused her of leaking information to the media after her phone was hacked. ELLE Macpherson's former adviser has told the Leveson inquiry into press standards that her supermodel ...
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Sydney Morning Herald
British police investigating climate email hackers
LONDON (Reuters) - British police will examine a batch of email exchanges between climate scientists which appeared on the Internet Tuesday as part of an inquiry into the hacking of the private documents, police said Wednesday. ...
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Zardari spokesperson`s email account hacked
Zee News
Islamabad: The email account of Pakistan's presidential spokesman was hacked and used to send out messages regarding the "Memogate" controversy that cost Husain Haqqani his job as envoy to the US. The email account of Farhatullah Babar, the spokesman ...
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Zee News

Blogs5 new results for hacking
Feds deny hacking caused Illinois water pump failure -- Engadget
By Donald Melanson
Did a hacker or group of hackers, possibly in Russia, manage to physically destroy a water pump in Springfield, Illinois? That was the word last.
The Sun fights back in Xbox Live 'hacking' saga | Games industry ...
Claims that Microsoft's service IS being hacked, despite the platform holder's assurances.
MCV: Home Stream
Illinois Water Pump Failure: Feds Say Hacking Rumors Not True
By The Huffington Post News Editors
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — Federal authorities say reports that hacking caused a water pump failure in Illinois' capital city aren't true. Department of Homeland Security spokesman Chris Ortman says initial reports over the weekend about the failure ...
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed
British police make computer hacking arrest | The Associated Press ...
By The Associated Press
British police say they have arrested a 52-year-old man in a computer hacking probe related to the investigation into phone hacking abuses committed by News of the World journalists. Police said Thursday the man was arrested in Milton ...
Examiner RSS
Hungarian pleads guilty to hacking into computers | Washington ...
By The Associated Press
Federal prosecutors say a Hungarian citizen has pleaded guilty to hacking into a corporation's computers and extorting the firm for a job. Twenty-six-year-old Attila Nemeth pleaded guilty Wednesday to transmitting a malicious code and ...
Examiner News RSS

Web2 new results for hacking
Hugh Grant's phone-hacking role is his greatest yet | Film | The ...
Hugh Grant's appearance at the Leveson inquiry into tabloid intrusion was a bravura performance. Perhaps that is because it came straight from the heart.
Elle Macpherson's adviser: Hacking cost me my job - Yahoo! News
From Yahoo! News: Elle Macpherson fired her business adviser for leaking secrets when journalists were actually getting juicy details about the supermodel by ...

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