Sunday, November 20, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
US utility sabotage blamed on Russian hackers
Russian hackers may have sabotaged a water pump in what's being described as the first foreign cyber attack on US utility infrastructure, damaging both hardware and confidence in critical systems. The attack targeted a Springfield, Illinois water ...
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At British phone hack hearing, celebrities to turn the tables on their tabloid ...
Washington Post
LONDON — They've been hacked and libeled, stalked and slandered. Now the public figures whose personal lives have long offered grist for Britain's news mill have been given a rare chance to confront their tabloid tormentors. Film star Hugh Grant, ...
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Hacker targets South Houston sewer system
Houston Chronicle
By CAROL CHRISTIAN HOUSTON CHRONICLE A hacker identified only as "pr0f" posted diagrams of the South Houston sewer system online to show how easy it is to infiltrate the system. South Houston Mayor Joe Soto said Saturday that no harm was done to the ...
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Scarlett Johansson alleged hacker targeted another actress, FBI says
Los Angeles Times
A man accused of hacking into the the computers of actresses Mila Kunis and Scarlett Johansson and singer Christina Aguilera was charged this week with hacking at least one additional actress, federal officials said. Working from his home computer in ...
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News of the World private detective vows to expose tabloid stalker culture
The Guardian
Derek Webb, who was paid to follow a string of people – including Princes William and Harry, Angelina Jolie and Tom Watson, the MP spearheading parliament's investigations into phone hacking – has said he will act as a witness if any of them opt to ...
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The Guardian
Dowlers to give evidence to inquiry
The Press Association
It heard that police believe phone hacking at the News of the World had begun by 2002 and continued until at least 2009. But a lawyer for Scotland Yard played down claims that Mulcaire's notebooks suggest that at least 28 journalists from the ...
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Illinois Water Pump Failure: Feds Investigate After Hacking Reports
Huffington Post
Department of Homeland Security spokesman Peter Boogaard wouldn't comment on media reports that the failure was the result of hacking. But he said in a statement Saturday that his agency and the FBI are gathering information about the failure and ...
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Hacking threats that lurk within the Web
The National
Organisations in the UAE must take steps to safeguard their IT systems from hackers based in other countries. Stefen Chow / Bloomberg News Companies around the world are facing a rapidly mounting assault in the form of industrial espionage conducted ...
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The National
Chinese hackers took control of NASA satellite for 11 minutes
Hacking is becoming a growing problem on Earth. It may seem strange to mention Earth, as there's not much to hack outside of our planet's atmosphere unless you count satellites. Even then, how feasible would it be to gain access to the systems running ...
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Blogs2 new results for hacking
Maharashtra Highway Police website hacked ~ The Hacker News ...
By (THN Reporter)
Not only International Law Enforcement and Police Under Hacker's attack, Even our Local Police websites and Database also become of Victim of breaches mostly once a day. A hacker With name "powerin10" take responsibility to hack ...
The Hacker News | Hacking News...
Malawi phone hacking project to unmask media sources | Malawi ...
By Nyasa Times
Journalists don't reveal sources as a key tenet of media profession but authorities will be able to unmask them through the dubbed 'spy machine' – the Consolidated ICT Regulatory Management Systems (Cirms) – which Malawi ...
Malawi news, Malawi - NyasaTimes...

Web1 new result for hacking
APNewsBreak: More charges in celeb hacking case - Yahoo! News
From Yahoo! News: A Florida man has been indicted on two additional felony counts for allegedly hacking into an email account belonging to an unnamed ...

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