Friday, November 18, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Rebekah Brooks baby: Phone hacking scandal boss expecting child by surrogate ...
Daily Mail
Public furore erupted in July after it emerged that a private detective working for the News of the World hacked the mobile phone of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler. Mrs Brooks resigned as News International chief executive on July 15. ...
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Daily Mail
US water utility reportedly hacked last week, expert says
It appears that hackers breached the network of a company that makes SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) and stole customer usernames and passwords, said Joe Weiss, managing partner of Applied Control Solutions. ...
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Nasdaq hacking: Lax security culprit
Times of India
A federal investigation found surprisingly lax security practices that made the Nasdaq operator an easy target for hackers. WASHINGTON: A federal investigation into last year's cyber attack on Nasdaq OMX Group found surprisingly lax security practices ...
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Android Ice Cream Sandwich Face Unlock Hacked By Photo
Soya Cincau has revealed how to easily hack the face unlock technology in all Android Ice Cream Sandwich installs. Mr. Cincau demonstrates it through a YouTube video how to hack face unlock by using a photo of the persons face that is stored as the ...
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This year's easiest-to-guess passwords... as discovered by hackers that worked ...
Daily Mail
By Ted Thornhill Despite widely publicised mass hacking attacks computer and smartphone users still leave themselves vulnerable by choosing passwords that are incredibly easy to guess. Password management app maker SplashData has revealed this year's ...
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Daily Mail
Brady's phone records hacked, says judge
Financial Times
By Vanessa Kortekaas, Olympics Correspondent The telephone records of West Ham football club's vice-chairman were hacked during its fierce battle to take over the Olympic Stadium, a high court judge said on Thursday. Karren Brady's records were ...
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Leveson Inquiry: Summary of week one
BBC News
Counsel to the inquiry Robert Jay QC said that notebooks belonging to private investigator Glenn Mulcaire, who was jailed in 2007 for phone-hacking for the NoW, and seized by police suggested that 28 journalists at the newspaper could have made ...
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BBC News
Kindle Fire hacked to access Android Market
Even if you're new to Android hacking, it's not a difficult procedure — and the forum thread has very good instructions. The rooting process itself is about as simple as can get, thanks to the SuperOneClick app and some helpful instructions from an ...
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Romanian arrested for hacking into NASA's servers
Click here Romanian arrested for hacking into NASA's servers Originally published: November 16, 2011 10:01 AM Updated: November 16, 2011 12:23 PM By The Associated Press (AP) -- A court in Romania has ordered the arrest of a Romanian man accused of ...
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FBI wants more power to tackle hacking
By Dave Neal THE US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) wants closer ties with the Central Intellligence Agency (CIA) and National Security Agency (NSA) in order to deal with the hacking threat. FBI director Robert Mueller spoke at the San Francisco ...
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Blogs3 new results for hacking
Facebook Denies Hacking Attack on Users | TopNews United States
By Ingela Maledevic
There seems to be tough time for the social media networking giant Facebook, as the company is facing flak from Indian users after their accounts were hacked. While the company has denied any such issue, the users are confused whether to ...
TopNews United States
US military's offensive operations in cyberspace to shoot Hackers ...
By THN Reporter
US military's offensive operations in cyberspace to shoot Hackers. The US military is now legally in the clear to launch offensive operations in cyberspace, the commander of the US Strategic Command has said. The Pentagon has just sent a ...
The Hacker News | Hacking News...
News of the World's Alleged Phone-Hacking Tactics: Vilification ...
By Chuck Ross
A lawyer representing 51 people who say they were victims of phone hacking outlined the alleged tactics of News Corp.'s now defunct tabloid News of the World, which included alleged vilification, blackmailing and harassment, reports The ...

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