Monday, October 31, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
China Denies Hacking US Satellites
Fox News
Beijing on Monday denied a US commission's claim that China may have been responsible for hacking incidents on US environment-monitoring satellites, saying that the committee had "ulterior motives" in writing such a draft report. ...
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Fox News
Facebook admits more than half a million hacking attacks per day
TG Daily
Facebook's launched new security features, claiming its users are subject to as many as 600000 hacking attempts per day. In an infographic, the company says that 0.06 percent of its one-billion-plus daily logins are compromised. ...
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TG Daily
Drug cartel threatened by hackers
BBC News
An internet video - which claims to be linked to the Anonymous hacking movement - has threatened to expose details about a Mexican drugs cartel. The YouTube message said it was "tired of the criminal group the Zetas, which is dedicated to kidnapping, ...
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BBC News
Jailbreak hack enables Siri on iPhone 4, 4th-gen iPod touch
Apple Insider
By Josh Ong Hackers have succeeded in bringing a limited port of Apple's new Siri voice assistant feature onto "jailbroken" versions of the iPhone 4 and the fourth-generation iPod touch, though they have noted that the workaround is not ready for a ...
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Hacking on the rise - all around
by Alistair Lowe on 31 October 2011, 11:55 There have been a lot of revelations in the news over the weekend in relation to hacking trends and it appears that hacking is on the rise across all fronts. It was revealed by Iain Lobban, director of British ...
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Hackers Press the 'Schmooze' Button
Wall Street Journal
"It's getting harder for hackers to penetrate firewalls and other technological barriers, so they are reverting to lower-tech methods of attack," said David Kennedy, the head of security for Diebold Inc., the maker of automated teller machines. ...
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'Pak outfit' hacks CID website
Times of India
Senior CID officers confirmed the hacking but did not disclose how many pages or how much information have been damaged due to hacking. The site was, however, restored on Sunday night. The site was created and maintained by Techno Developers Group. ...
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Hackers Break Into EFCC Website
Middle East North Africa Financial Network
Oct 31, 2011 (Daily Champion/All Africa Global Media via COMTEX) -- Hackers have taken over the website belonging to the Economic Financial Crimes Commission. The "Naija Cyber Hactivist" said they have taken over the EFCC's website in an effort to ...
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UFO hacker Gary McKinnon's mum up for human rights award
Times 24
By Paul Christian, Reporter Monday, October 31, 2011 UFO hacker Gary McKinnon's mother has been shortlisted for a human rights award in recognition of her decade-long fight to stop her son being extradited to America. To send a link to this page to a ...
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Times 24
Celebrity Hack Suspect Allegedly Stalked Woman for 12 Years
Kevin Mazur/WireImage/Getty Images(LOS ANGELES) -- The man accused of hacking the email accounts of Scarlett Johansson, Mila Kunis and Christina Aguilera is also reportedly suspected of stalking another woman—apparently not a celebrity—for 12 years. ...
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Blogs1 new result for hacking
Hacking Techniques Show Danger to Infrastructure — ...
By Doug Isenberg
Hacking Techniques Show Danger to Infrastructure. October 30, 2011. Computer attack techniques demonstrated in recent months highlight the danger to operators of power plants, water systems and other critical infrastructure around the ... Daily News

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