Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Ex-News Corp. executive to testify again in hacking scandal
Los Angeles Times
s Dow Jones and confidant of Rupert Murdoch, will appear before the British Parliament to answer questions about the phone hacking scandal. Former News Corp. executive Les Hinton will appear before a parliamentary committee in Britain for a third time ...
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Los Angeles Times
Dacre offers concessions at phone hacking inquiry
Financial Times
Mr Dacre's recognition of a need for change was couched within an impassioned attack on "Hampstead liberals" and a "corrupt" political class who were using the phone hacking scandal to try to corral the UK press. Taking the Leveson inquiry into press ...
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New Met chief reveals there are 30 inquiries into News of the World hacking ...
Daily Mail
By Rebecca Camber No fewer than 30 inquiries have been mounted into various aspects of the News of the World phone hacking scandal, Scotland Yard's new chief said yesterday. Metropolitan Police Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe revealed the astonishing ...
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Daily Mail
Sony Freezes Accounts of Online Video Game Customers After Hacking Attack
New York Times
A version of this article appeared in print on October 13, 2011, in The International Herald Tribune with the headline: Sony Freezes Accounts of Online Video Game Customers After Hacking Attack.
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Phone hacking: Glenn Mulcaire wants 'persecution' by victims to stop
The Guardian
Glenn Mulcaire believes alleged phone-hacking victims have nothing to gain from suing him. Photograph: Chris Jackson/Getty The private investigator at the centre of the phone-hacking scandal has written to the alleged victims who are suing the News of ...
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The Guardian
RSA Says SecurID Was Hacked By A 'Nation State'
eWEEK Europe UK
In the attack, the hacking groups took note of how user names were formulated and stored in AD. They replicated this form of address in creating user names and this made it more difficult to find the fake users of the system. ...
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eWEEK Europe UK
LulzSec Leader Sabu Details Exploits
LulzSec officially concluded its 50-day hacking spree in June, after a string of data breaches accomplished using relatively straightforward--albeit effective--attack techniques, mixed with a penchant for self-promotion. While Sabu has remained active ...
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CyanogenMod 7.1 Opens Hacking Doors to More Android Phones
By Elizabeth Fish, PCWorld Oct 11, 2011 2:43 PM Android modders, rejoice! The team over at CyanogenMod has released a new update to its jailbreaking software, giving you the power to tinker with even more cellphone models. After technical issues caused ...
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Face of the woman accused of hacking total stranger to death with a butcher's ...
Daily Mail
By Rebecca Camber and Arthur Martin This is the face of a woman accused of hacking a grandmother to death with a butcher's cleaver in an apparent stranger killing. Nicola Edgington, 31, was due to appear in court charged with the murder of Sally Hodkin ...
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Daily Mail
Occupy Wall Street's Underbelly: Hacking, Threats of Violence, Filth
Emmanuel Dunand/AFP/Getty Images(NEW YORK) -- What's not to like about Occupy Wall Street? Plenty, say the movement's critics. They accuse Occupiers of everything from poor hygiene to making threats of physical violence against corporate executives. ...
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Blogs1 new result for hacking
Sony comes under further hacking attacks | FT Tech Hub ...
By Phill Tutt
The FTtechhub from the Financial Times writes about the web, Silicon Valley, innovation and social media.
FT Tech Hub

Web1 new result for hacking
Ex-Wall Street Journal Publisher To Give Phone Hacking Testimony ...
The British parliamentary panel investigating the phone hacking scandal says that former Wall Street Journal publisher Les Hinton will testify via video link later ...

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