Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Report: Hacking forum is a cybercrime academy
By John Leyden • Get more from this author Certain underground hacking forums are acting as training academies and tech-support networks for cybercriminals as well as creating a marketplace for a vast array of cybercrime tools, say researchers. ...
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In Rift Between Murdochs, Heir Becomes Less Apparent
New York Times
Rupert and James Murdoch testifying before a parliamentary committee in London last July about a phone-hacking scandal at News of the World. James Murdoch is set to testify before Parliament again next month as it looks into a settlement he approved in ...
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New York Times
Hacking group from Nepal posts 10000 stolen Facebook accounts online
ZDNet (blog)
By Dancho Danchev | October 19, 2011, 2:37am PDT Summary: A hacking group from Nepal known as TeamSwaStika, has published 10000 stolen Facebook accounts on Pastebin. A hacking group from Nepal known as TeamSwaStika, has published 10000 stolen Facebook ...
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DHS issues warning that Anonymous may attack infrastructure
By Jaikumar Vijayan Computerworld - The US government is keeping a wary eye on what it says is hacking collective Anonymous' growing interest in attacking critical infrastructure targets. A DHS bulletin posted this week assesses the ability of the ...
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Phone hacking: NI lawyer says he knew its 'rogue reporter' defence was wrong
The Guardian
News international's Les Hinton told MPs that phone hacking was the work of a single reporter. Photograph: Lucas Jackson/Reuters A lawyer who acted for News International over phone-hacking claims has told MPs he knew the company had misled parliament ...
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The Guardian
Canadian media eyed with suspicion after UK hacking scandal
Vancouver Sun
By Derek Abma, Postmedia News October 18, 2011 Many Canadians suspect journalists in this country of using the same tactics — such as phone hacking and paying people money for tips — that led to the downfall of British tabloid, the News of the World, ...
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MPs to quiz lawyers over hacking
BBC News
A lawyer who advised News International has said the company was told in 2008 there were three journalists other than Clive Goodman involved in phone hacking. Julian Pike told the Commons culture committee he had "not done very much" to dispute the ...
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BBC News
Former News lawyer says he knew company misled parliament
Sydney Morning Herald
The former News Corporation lawyer who negotiated a secret settlement with a phone-hacking victim in 2008 told UK lawmakers yesterday he knew the company lied to Parliament during an earlier probe of the News of the World tabloid. ...
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Hacking Attack And Defective Parts Are Sony's Latest Headaches (NYSE: SNE)
This latest attack follows a similar hacking attack in April that forced Sony to shut down the PlayStation Network and compromised data for more than 100 million online game and entertainment accounts. It took more than two months to fully restore the ...
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Turbine Warns of Hacking Attempt on LOTRO Forums
by Stefanie Fogel 12 hours ago, 355 views A post on the Lord of the Rings Online official forums is warning gamers of a possible hacking attempt. "Recently, we were made aware of an issue with the security of our LOTRO community web applications," ...
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Blogs4 new results for hacking
Hacking Sites on CPanel Server - Web Hosting Talk
By flashwebhost
Hacking Sites on CPanel Server Hosting Security and Technology.
Web Hosting Talk
BSkyB Profit Up As Hacking Scandal Continues
By The Huffington Post News Editors
LONDON — British Sky Broadcasting PLC, in which Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. has a large minority stake, saw its first quarter profits rise further as increasing sales of telephone and broadband packages offset a slowdown in new television ...
The Full Feed from
10 most audacious hacking attacks of all time | Matador Network
By Daniel Nahabedian
Just for fun, he also hacked into NASA computers, stealing approximately $1.7 million worth of software that controlled the living environment on the International Space Station, forcing the agency to shut down its computer systems for three ...
Matador Network
Sesame Street's YouTube Channel Returns After Hacking ...
By Doug Isenberg
Sesame Street's YouTube Channel Returns After Hacking. October 18, 2011. The YouTube channel for "Sesame Street" is back online after hackers forced its shutdown for a day by loading X-rated material. "Sesame Street" executive producer ... Daily News

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