Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Accused LulzSec hacker pleads not guilty in Sony breach
By Mary Slosson LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - An accused member of the clandestine hacking group LulzSec pleaded not guilty on Monday to charges of taking part in an extensive computer breach of the Sony Pictures Entertainment film studio. ...
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Email hacking case may land Sanjiv Bhatt in prison again
Daily News & Analysis
Mehta has accused Bhatt of hacking his email account, which is a non-bailable offence under Section 66A of the Information Technology Act. "We can't ignore this case as it's a non bailable offence for which an offender can be imprisoned with fine. ...
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DHS: Anonymous Interested in Hacking Nation's Infrastructure
Wired News (blog)
By Kim Zetter The hacker collective known as Anonymous has expressed interest in hacking industrial systems that control critical infrastructures, such as gas and oil pipelines, chemical plants and water and sewage treatment facilities, according to a ...
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Wired News (blog)
mCommerce to be slowed by hacking fears
Mobile Today
Intersperience says that just 17% of its respondents said they would like to use their mobile as a wallet in the future, compared to 44% who said a lack of security on handsets was their chief concern, driven by recent high profile phone hacking ...
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Mobile Today
US Considered Hacking Libya's Air Defense to Disable Radar
Wired News (blog)
By Kim Zetter Officials in the Obama administration considered launching a cyber offensive against Libya's computer networks last March as part of the NATO-led air strikes against the Qaddafi regime. The cyberattack would have involved breaking through ...
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Wired News (blog)
Hacking: Six Charities To Share Milly's £1m
Sky News
Six charities will share a £1m donation from Rupert Murdoch as part of the settlement agreed with the family of Milly Dowler after the News Of The World allegedly hacked her phone. Sky News has learned that half the money will go to children's hospice ...
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Sky News
Hacked Sesame Street YouTube Channel Served Porn
How did Sesame Street's YouTube channel get hacked? "We don't know exactly how it occurred but my hunch is that they were somehow careless with their password, so either the admin password they were using for that account was easy to guess, ...
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Two California pension funds to vote against Murdoch
The pension funds added their voices to a growing clamor among News Corp. shareholders for the ouster of Murdoch and his sons James and Lachlan from the board after a phone hacking scandal in Britain. The California Public Employees' Retirement System ...
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How Miley Cyrus' Gmail Account Got Hacked
Gather Celebs News Channel
Miley Cyrus recently had her Gmail and cell phone hacked. The perpetrator has been arrested for hacking numerous celebrity's digital gadgets, and he is beginning to tell all about the process. Miley, he explains, was particularly easy. ...
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Man Arrested in Celebrity Cell Phone Hacking Probe
Caribbean Media Vision
The actress cried foul, claiming that her phone had been hacked and took action to uncover who had done the deed. Although a lot of debate went around internet concerning whether the body parts pictured were real or not, there was very little ...
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
Hacking Firefox Mobile, Not The Good Kind Of Hacking Monotonous ...
By Eitan
Hacking Firefox Mobile, Not The Good Kind Of Hacking. Hi again. Remember my first post to Planet Mozilla? I hope not. Sorry for the male enhancement pills spam. Please stop contacting me for orders. I am in Toronto right now, spending a ...
Communication Breakdown: Hacking Autism Provides a Dose of ...
By Autism Speaks
Hacking Autism aims to use free technology to give people with autism a voice. Teams of developers had been assembled for the hackathon, and would spend the day creating touch-enabled applications. Alex was hired to document the event ...
Autism Speaks Official Blog
'Sesame Street' on YouTube to resume after hacking - seattlepi.com
NEW YORK (AP) — The YouTube channel for "Sesame Street" is expected to be back online shortly after hackers forced its shutdown by loading X-rated material. Parente says it appears that the X-rated videos were online for less than an hour and that "Sesame Street" had received no viewer ...
Business Heds Index
'Sesame Street' back online after porn hacking | The Raw Story
By Agence France-Presse
WASHINGTON — "Sesame Street" returned to cyberspace on Monday after its YouTube channel was targeted by unknown hackers who replaced Ernie, Abby, Big Bird and the Cookie Monster with hardcore porn. YouTube, owned by Google, ...
The Raw Story
'Sesame Street' on YouTube resumes after hacking - Home » Other ...
The YouTube channel for the popular children's television show "Sesame Street" is back online after hackers forced its shutdown for a day by loading X-rated material.
philstar.com - Breaking News

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