Saturday, October 15, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
US Man Charged In Hacking Case Ordered To LA
by AP JACKSONVILLE, Florida (AP) — A man charged with hacking into email accounts of celebrities including actress Scarlett Johansson was ordered Friday to appear in a Los Angeles courtroom Nov. 1. A federal magistrate judge issued the order at a ...
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Cops knew of hacking and failed to act
New Zealand Herald
An investigation by the Independent, which focuses on this crucial period of the phone-hacking scandal, reveals that the force subsequently failed to investigate or take action against the News International title. One of the officers at the meetings ...
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Xbox Live User Accounts Hacked For FIFA 11 And 12 Games And DLC
Ben Kuchera, Editor of Ars Technica, is still waiting for a response from Microsoft after making an inquiry about the hacking. He advises to keep a close eye on your account for any fraudulent charges. For now, the best course of action is to keep a ...
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Police commit 200 officers as scale of hacking inquiries grows
The Independent
By Cahal Milmo and James Cusick The number of officers dedicated to Scotland Yard's phone-hacking inquiry and two other related investigations has surged past 100. The Independent has learned that a total of 108 detectives and support staff are now ...
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Nearly 5000000 patient records of military personnel were recently stolen ...
ABC News
There was no elaborate hacking, and no technical skill was required on the part of the thieves—some tapes containing these records were stolen from a car belonging to an employee of SAIC who was prosaically transporting them between federal facilities ...
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ABC News
EVMs: Taimur fears vote 'hacking'
Bangladesh News 24 hours
BNP-backed candidate Taimur Alam Khandaker said there were risks of 'hacking' and manipulating the EVM. "EVM has been scrapped in many countries. I have written to the commission about the issue. They will fix a hearing date soon," he said. ...
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The Real Faces of Hacking Groups Could Surprise You
IT Business Edge (blog)
I saw some stories that mentioned the teenager was hacking from his parents' house. Obviously, in order to have stereotypes, some of the people within the group need to fit into those parameters. No doubt a number of the members of groups like ...
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News Corp. Shareholders Irate, But Can They Remove Murdochs From Board?
International Business Times
(NYSE: NWS), the media giant still reeling from accusations that many of its employees have engaged in the illegal act of phone-hacking. Hermes Equity Ownership Services, which is connected with the British Pension Fund, has expressed its concerns with ...
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International Business Times
FBI's "Operation Hackerazzi" comes to an end
It seems that every day now, we hear about someone, somewhere, breaking and hacking into personal files on personal computers, and mobile devices, without much of a sweat. Just a couple of weeks ago, I reported about the arrest of a young Arizona man ...
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Exclusive: Videos detail News America tactics against competitors
(CNN) -- The far-reaching News of the World phone-hacking scandal that toppled the 168-year-old British newspaper this summer, led to the resignation of Britain's top police official and threatened Rupert Murdoch's global media empire continues to ...
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Blogs2 new results for hacking
Florida man charged in hacking case ordered to LA | Palm Beach ...
By Associated Press
A Florida man charged with hacking into email accounts of celebrities including actress Scarlett Johansson has been ordered to appear in a Los Angeles courtroom.
Palm Beach Entertainment: Events,...
PAPERMAG - Computer Hacking Love Story Mangella at The ...
Playwright Ken Ferrigni, who has had his plays produced in California and Florida, as well as New York, has come up with a dark comedy that takes computer hacking and reprogramming to new levels. Mangella's cast of three men and one ...

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