Saturday, October 29, 2011

F1 Fatal Accidents Ever/Is Ra.One Overhyped?/India's Luxurious Palace Hotels-T B Vema

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siliconindia Weekend dose
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Weekend News
Mars has always remained mysterious as it has left innumerable hints on its past civilizations in photographs that have been decoded in various......more>>
What thrills everyone about Formula One is the high speeds and skill at which a driver drives. It makes the race fun and exciting. But same factors......more>>
More Weekend News
For Kashmiris, freedom is only in words and not in deeds. There is not even a semblance of freedom in the world's most heavily militarized zone,.....more>>
India has been increasingly gaining its prominence in the tourism space over the years and many palaces of ancient Indian kings have been turned.....more>>
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News on life & style
Humans have privileged their deceased since the dawn of time. Basic or grandiloquent, these memorial parks tell us not only how people died, but......more>>
The results that fad diets offer are quick fixes for weight loss and are based on ghastly or bizarre ideas, like "The Sleeping Beauty Diet"....more>>
Most commented news of the week
Muammar Gaddafi's death is celebrated as the success of a new U.S. foreign policy, on which the Obama administration backed the NATO action,......more>>
Our jails are increasingly getting filled with powerful and mighty, caught red handed in the corruption storm that has lashed the country this year. ...more>>
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Jokes for the weekend
A cannibal son and his father are out looking for food. They are watching people walk down the street. The son suggested a particularly plump woman......more>>
There once was a blind man who decided to visit Texas. When he arrived on the plane, he felt the seats and said, "Wow, these seats are big!" The......more>>
Most read news of the week
Mukesh Ambani, who heads the oil-to-retail conglomerate Reliance Industries Group, has retained his position as the world's richest Indian with a......more>>
The world's population will reach 7 billion in five days, the UN has said as it urged the global community to seize the opportunity and invest in......more>>
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Real Estate city
Looking for residential apartments, flats to buy or rent, post your requirements to us & we will help you with your property search in your city....more>>
Villas and Villa plots in neighborhoods that provide a genuine sense of contentment....more>>
Here are a few star kids who've risen too high, too fast just to come crashing down - young starlets going from nice and sweet to wild and rebellious....more>>
Do you know how much celebrities have earned in their afterlife? Here's a list of Hollywood's Top Most Earning Dead Celebrities...more>>
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