Monday, October 10, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
Lulzsec hacker: we still have Sun emails, stored in China'
The Guardian
The LulzSec hacking group hit a number of sites in a spree in May and July 2011; now its leader Sabu has given an interview on Reddit. Photograph: Reuters The hacker who styles himself "Sabu", erstwhile leader of the LulzSec hacking crew, ...
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The Guardian
Hacking group pins info stealing Trojan on German state
by Phil Muncaster Hacker group Chaos Computer Club (CCC) has uncovered a new piece of Trojan malware which it argues is being used by German police forces to spy on users' screens and internet communication such as Skype calls and instant messaging. ...
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Q&A: VoIP hacking attacks exposed
IT News Africa
Major enterprises are being warned against the growing global VoIP hacking ataacks. Some of the most common features of VoIP hacking methods include eavesdropping on conversations, changing caller IDs, disrupting phone calls, unsolicited audio and ...
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The Hacking Tyler, Texas, Project: A Sidewalk Map
The Atlantic
While waiting I passed five months, wrote eight blog posts, and hacked four apps. Now I'm in a new place with new responsibilities and expectations, but most importantly, I'm back with the kid in this picture: Public transportation. ...
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Buscombe unwise to make a farewell tour after hacking mistakes
The Guardian (blog)
Given the exposure of the PCC's flaws during the hacking scandal, her attempts to justify herself are counter-productive. Clearly, she is angry at the way her stewardship of the commission has been portrayed, and she isn't trying to hide it. ...
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iViz Security looks to redefine ethical hacking with cloud-based model
InformationWeek India
Unlike traditional penetration testing or ethical hacking, which is driven by security consultants such as PwC or a KPMG or any known security firm, iViz Security claims to be the industry's first cloud-based penetration testing company. ...
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Why FG Okayed Phone Bugging — Investigation
Leadership Newspapers
While more advanced countries consider phone hacking as an invasion of privacy, Nigeria might have subtly adopted it to tackle its rising security challenges. Britain, for instance, is investigating Australian billionaire and publisher of News of the ...
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Leadership Newspapers
It's like drinking ether
Nevertheless, it hurt a little the other day as several "unfriended'' me after the hacking incident. Over the years, I've had people get mad at me, usually for something I wrote, but never had any "unfriended'' me. I'm about ready to switch to tweeting ...
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South Africa starts murder trial of supremacist
By Peroshni Govender VENTERSDORP, South Africa (Reuters) - The trial of two blacks accused of hacking to death South African white supremacist leader Eugene Terre'blanche in a wage dispute at his farm opened Monday, exposing racial divisions in ...
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Blogs1 new result for hacking
The riots and phone hacking saga remind us how fragile public ...
By Blog Admin
The recent riots in the UK and high-level crimes such as phone hacking, and the MPs expenses scandal, reveal a lack of public confidence in the police, government and big business. Special police advisor William J. Bratton CBE draws on his ...
British Politics and Policy at LSE

Web2 new results for hacking
A Week of OpenBSD Hacking In Slovenia: Developers Report From ...
For a few days in September (16th through 23rd), the Slovenian capital Ljubljana was also the World Capital of OpenBSD hacking, hosting the s2k11: General ...
Wii - Hacking -
Wii - Hacking: Talk about Wii hacking attempts and softmods!

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