Sunday, October 30, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Hackers Target Facebook 600000 Times Each Day
More than half a million hackers log into Facebook, attempting to access the messages, photos, and personal information of legitimate members of the popular social network, Telegraph Digital Media Editor Emma Barnett reported on Saturday. ...
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Scarlett Johansson hacker suspect allegedly stalked woman
Los Angeles Times
A man accused of hacking into the the computers of celebrities Mila Kunis, Christina Aguilera and Scarlett Johansson may have stalked a woman for 12 years. Working from his home computer in Jacksonville, Fla., authorities say, Christopher Chaney, 35, ...
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Facebook hackers attempting to crack 600000 accounts every day
Daily Mail
By Daniel Miller Computer hackers attempt to break into at least 600000 Facebook accounts using stolen username and password details every day, the social networking giant has revealed. The online criminals attempt to crack the accounts so they can ...
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Daily Mail
Scarlett Johansson Hack Suspect Allegedly Stalked Woman for 12 Years
ABC News (blog)
The man accused of hacking email of Scarlett Johansson, Mila Kunis and Christina Aguilera is also reportedly suspected of stalking another woman — apparently not a celebrity — for 12 years. An unsealed search warrant in the case against Christopher ...
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ABC News (blog)
China Accused of Hacking NASA Satellites
Officials are set to report that hackers briefly seized control of two NASA satellite and circumstantial evidence suggests that the Chinese military may have been involved. The breaches took place in 2007 and 2008 but have only just come to light. ...
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Accused Celebrity Email Hacker May Have Stalked Conn. Teen
LOS ANGELES (KTLA) -- A 35-year-old Florida man accused of hacking into emails of celebrities, including Scarlett Johansson, may have stalked a woman on the internet for 12 years. According to a search warrant obtained by the Associated Press on Friday ...
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'Hollywood Hacker' faces online stalking complaints
WJXT Jacksonville
The so-called Hollywood Hacker faces online stalking complaints, but his lawyer called the allegations baseless. According to a previously unsealed search warrant, Christopher Chaney of Jacksonville, who is accused of breaking into e-mail accounts of ...
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Spy Smartphone Software Tracks 'Every Move'
Sky News
By hacking the phone of someone the victim might trust, and learning something about them from reading their Tweets and Facebook page, the attacker will send a personalised email from a known account. The user opens an email and a document, a picture, ...
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Sky News
In The Halls Of The Hedge Fund Hackers
They are hackers. Just as hackers search for and exploit operating system and application shortcomings, traders do the same thing." Matt Taibbi, in a recent Rolling Stone piece, is far more adversarial — "Wall Street Isn't Really Winning, ...
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Cabaero: Online activism
The group that called itself "Anonymous" and confessed to being responsible for the computer intrusions, said the hacking was done "in solidarity with the Occupation Movement and the International Day of Action Against Police Brutality" some two weeks ...
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Blogs1 new result for hacking
The Guardian editor on Wikileaks, phone hacking and being a ...
By Antony Loewenstein
32059no ...
Antony Loewenstein

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