Friday, October 28, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
Hacker leaks 90000 passwords as a warning to 'naive' Swedes
The Guardian
The hacker wants the 'online attack' to be a wake-up call for the Swedes. Photograph: Alamy Sweden has suffered its worst-ever data leak after an anonymous hacker hijacked the Twitter account of a prominent MP and released details of more than 90000 ...
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The Guardian
Hackers threaten Fox News over Occupy Wall Street coverage
By Lucas Shaw NEW YORK ( - Anonymous, a group of hackers that has previously attacked Sony and Bay Area Rapid Transit, said it will shut down the Fox News website on November 5. It announced its intentions in a video on YouTube, ...
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Chinese military suspected of hacking US satellites
By Lee Kaelin Hackers in the Chinese military are suspected to have interfered with two US satellites used for climate and terrain monitoring four times during 2007 and 2008, according to a congressional commission report due to be released next month. ...
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Hackers Find Quirky Uses for Siri
Hacking Siri doesn't require breaking Apple's rules or diving deep into its source code. Apple designed Siri to be able to send SMS messages, and a lot of apps can understand those texts and act on them. (For instance, telling Siri to "Text Bank of ...
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Hacking the Google TV Box Without Rooting It
I let the box boot to the logo, automatically boot again and get back to the logo, at which point, advised by the hackers, I released the "Connect" button. An arrow and a "barbershop scroll" appeared. Continuing my potential destruction of a Benji's ...
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Medtronic Insulin Pumps Investigated for Hacking Risk
Medtronic has launched an investigation into the cybersecurity of its insulin pumps after acknowledging concerns that the pumps could be hacked and programmed to remotely overdose diabetes patients. The flaw lies in some models of Medtronic's Paradigm ...
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NSA helping Wall Street fight hackers
by Lance Whitney October 27, 2011 7:25 AM PDT Follow @lancewhit Wall Street banks and financial companies vulnerable to hackers from abroad are getting a helping hand in defense from the nation's top security officials. The National Security Agency has ...
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Miley Cyrus hacker hopes to avoid jail time
The man who hacked Miley Cyrus' Gmail account is asking a judge to spare him jail time. Should the judge show him mercy? Lawyers for Josh Holly, 22, argued that a probation term would be "sufficiently onerous punishment for a first-time offender of ...
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Infonetics Research: Smartphone Hacking Fueling Big Growth in Mobile Security ...
MarketWatch (press release)
"Hackers continue to focus their energy on the installed base of hundreds of millions of desktop computers around the globe, but with nearly 3 billion new smartphones and tablets expected to ship worldwide between 2010 and 2015, the opportunity for ...
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Blogs4 new results for hacking
Commission Accuses Chinese Military of Hacking US Satellites ...
By (Ravi Mandalia)
The Chinese military has been accused of interfering with NASA's satellites between 2007 and 2008. According to AFP,...
Latest ITProPortal news
UK Police Find Their Smoking Phone In Hacking Case – Deadline ...
The Metropolitan Police in London have found a cell phone hidden in the newsroom of News Corp's now-shuttered News Of The World newspaper that they believe was the one used to hack into hundreds of voicemails. That's the illegal ...
Over 200000 Swedish Login Details at Risk Due to Hacking Incident ...
By Mellisa Tolentino
So we've been hearing a lot hacking news this year and it's only getting worse. Large corporations like Sony fell victim to hackers which led to a lot of accounts in the Sony PlayStation Network became compromised. After that, it's like everyone ...
China accused of hacking computers at Japanese embassies ...
A virus that infected computers at Japanese overseas diplomatic missions had been designed to send data to servers in China, a report said today.

Web2 new results for hacking
Phone-hacking suspects 'could use inquiry to sabotage cases ...
The Met and CPS have raised concerns that evidence heard by Lord Justice Leveson could jeopardise future criminal trials.
Strong public support for planet-hacking research - environment - 25 ...
A survey of almost 3000 people finds that 72 per cent support research into sunshades to cool the climate.

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