Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
In Phone Hacking Inquiry, a Renewed Focus on Executives
New York Times
By RAVI SOMAIYA LONDON — The focus on Rupert Murdoch's senior executives in the wake of the News of the World phone hacking scandal intensified on Monday as his former right-hand man was questioned by lawmakers and his son James was summoned to give ...
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LG Australia website hacked
"It seems as though your website has been hacked. How did we get past your security? ....... What security? ;)," read a message on the site. LG said it was alerted to the hack on Friday morning and suspended the site "until the incident is fully ...
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Phone hacking: book publishing executives targeted
The Guardian
Phone hacking: the publisher of Katie Price's autobiography has been told by police he may have been targeted. Photograph: Anthony Devlin/PA The police investigation into phone hacking by the News of the World has now spread to the publishing world, ...
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The Guardian
Operation DarkNet: Hacking network Anonymous exposes online paedophiles
The Periscope Post
"Hacktivist" group Anonymous has turned its attention to child porn websites, hacking into Lolita City and exposing its users. Are they cyber super-heroes or dangerous vigilantes? Anonymous is a group best known for attacks on corporations and ...
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Population database hacked in 2006 reached the Internet
A gag order was removed Monday on the investigation being conducted by the Justice Ministry's Law, Technology and Information Authority, which revealed the 2006 hacking of the registry and traced the path of the database as it changed hands, ...
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Hinton: 'I was not involved in internal hacking inquiries'
Les Hinton revealed today that he was not personally involved in either of the internal investigations conducted into phone hacking during the time he was chief executive of the company. In a faltering appearance before the culture, media and sport ...
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Microsoft YouTube Account Hacked, Without Content on Sunday
by Eric Limer | 12:23 pm, October 24th, 2011 This past weekend, Microsoft's YouTube account seemed to be hacked. The channel was wiped clean and several new, weird-but-relatively-innocuous videos soliciting a background and sponsors were posted. ...
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Hacking tool targets SSL vulnerability
By Steven Musil, CNET News, 25 October, 2011 09:47 Hackers have released a program they say will allow a single computer to take down a web server using a secure connection. The THC-SSL-DOS tool, released on Monday, purportedly exploits a flaw in ...
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Futures regulators want smartphone hacking device
By Aliya Sternstein 10/24/2011 The Commodity Futures Trading Commission is searching for a phone hacking tool to investigate suspects' mobile devices for evidence of links to Ponzi schemes, insider trades and other illicit dealings. ...
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Boston Police Department Hacked by Anonymous
On Friday, October 21, the BPD issued a statement, noting "various websites used by members of the BPD – including the website belonging to the Boston Police Patrolmen's Association – have been hacked into and possibly compromised. ...
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
Book review: Ninja Hacking – unconventional penetration testing ...
By Paul Baccas
Senior Threat Researcher Paul Baccas reviews the book "Hacking Ninja: Unconventional penetration testing tactics and techniques".
Naked Security - Sophos
Hacking Update: "No Bombshell" As Les Hinton Testifies; James ...
By TIM ADLER in London
Hinton testified that he hasn't spoken to the Metropolitan police about phone-hacking, nor has Viet Dinh, the independent News Corp board member who's overseeing the company's investigation into the scandal, questioned him. Hinton also ...
News Corp. phone hacking: Les Hinton says little new to Parliament ...
By Joe Flint
News Corp. phone hacking: Les Hinton, a former top News Corp. executive who had oversight over "News of the World" during its phone hacking scandal, faced Parliament again on Monday but offered little that differed from previous ...
Company Town
UW CSE News » "Hacking Cars"
By Ed Lazowska
"Hacking Cars". Communications of the ACM reports on UW CSE research concerning the vulnerability to hacking of modern automobiles: "Researchers Tadayoshi Kohno of the University of Washington and [UW CSE Ph.D. alumnus] Stefan ...
James Murdoch to confirm again on hacking
By admin
Rupert Murdoch close the shutters down the tabloid News of the humanity stylish July later than it was accused of illegally hacking into the voice mails of.

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