Friday, September 9, 2011

Indian Mujahideen Warns of a 2nd Attack/Is Your Boss a Psycho?/The Unusual Facts about Google-T B Vema

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siliconindia Daily dose
Friday, September 09, 2011
Top news
Another email from Indian Mujahideen claimed responsibility for the Delhi blasts and warned that another blast will take place at a shopping mall.
Do you think your boss is a psychopath? A new study finds that business leaders are four times more likely to be psychopaths than ordinary people.
Startup City
Here are few deals of the recent times century, which instead of reaping profits, backfired.
The mobile app developers have come up with several health related apps. Read to know about them.
5000+ IT Professional's are attending INTEROP Mumbai 2011, are you attending? Register for Free Expo Pass
Innovative technology has made it possible to improve your health and fitness with the help of mobile applications.
Do you know that Backrub was the initial name of Google? Read more to know some unusual facts about the internet giant.
Real estate city
A mere 4 kms away from Hebbal Ring Road, is a Mediterranean-themed township that will change the way you live. And the way you look at living spaces.
Inno Geocity villas in south west of Chennai at unbelievable price of Rs.2250 per sq.ft.available units 953 & 1906 sq.ft
Register now! The Most exciting event for Startups is back! The SiliconIndia 'StartupCity 2011'(Sept 24th, Mumbai)
Personal finance
Reflect on the work related expense. You will notice a significant chunk of your earnings is diverted to personal work expenses.
Last minute travel plans cost you much more than holidays that are planned out well before time. Check how to save on spur of the moment trips.
Training & Courses
Intl. Stemcell Services offered StemCell Banking for Regenerative Medicine facilities including, therapies, expansion & more
EDITWORKS SCHOOL OF MASS COMMUNICATION join Degree & Diploma Programs in Media & Animation and make your career in Television Industry.
Humor of the day
Husband kills his unfaithful wife while their 5-yr-old son was still sleeping. The weird thing was that the kid didn't ask for his mom even 3 days after she went missing. Father: Is there something you want to ask me? Kid: I just wonder why mom is always standing behind your back??
A policeman stops a lady and asks for her license. He says "Lady, it says here that you should be wearing glasses." The woman answered "Well, I have contacts."
Founded in 2002, Bangalore headquratered Ascent today has become a name to reckon in the HR Outsourcing and Processing space giving stiff competition to some of the industry leaders globally.
New Jersey headquartered NIKSUN with its real-time, forensics-based cybersecurity and performance solutions is turning a new chapter in the security space.
Featured institutions
ISME is one of the top business schools in India located at Bangalore and Navi Mumbai. ISME offers full time Post Graduate Program in Management, Major Specialization in Marketing, Finance, HR and Information Technology.
The International Institute of Business Studies aims to prepare a global talent engine, capable of bringing success in any business environment.
Reliance Industries violated the agreement to share gas produced in the Krishna-Godavari basin and failed to part with the government's due share of the hydrocarbon, the official auditor said.
Buying and selling of products and services over electronic systems is the most lucrative business today. Indian e-commerce sector is a perfect example of the changing trends in this arena.
'Retail PRO' POS Software, International product at India price
CXO Insights
Rise of an Entrepreneurial India
Gunjan Sinha Chairman, & MetricStream.
As I reflect on the opportunities for India Inc, having been personally a part of the entrepreneurial wave, I believe India's future lies in the hands of the entrepreneurs!
Mid Sized IT Companies: Recipe for Success
Atul Nishar Founder & Chairman, Hexaware Technologies.
Independent India is 60 years old, and for an average Indian this usually is an age to retire; sit back and enjoy the pension.
Featured questions
Mass communication is the various means by which individuals and entities relay information through mass media to large sector of the population at the same time.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process that involves analyzing your website's visible content and link popularity and making enhancements so that the site is shown more..
iaccept: Technology that employers and job seekers have been waiting for.
Blogs: Editor's choice
Facebook, Orkut, Twitter, LinkedIn are the buzz words that hit our thoughts for the word social media.
While the world gets busier and cut throat, future security seems to be fading away.
Life & Style
Singapore is in reality one of the most enjoyable cities in Asia. Here are the best destinations of Singapore.
Gen Now that lives by the mantra "work hard, party harder" is now the ticking bomb for cardiovascular diseases experts say.
HR Speak - The Valuable Employee

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