Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Sun has questions to answer on phone hacking, claims Labour's Tom Watson
The Guardian
Labour MP and home affairs select committee member Tom Watson has alleged that the phone-hacking scandal has gone 'far beyond the News of the World' and the Sun newspaper is involved. Photograph: David Gadd/Allstar/Sportsphoto A Labour MP has alleged ...
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The Guardian
News Corp.'s UK Actions Under Scrutiny In US
But that's only the latest fallout for News Corp. in the phone hacking and bribery scandal there. Now, the company is seeking to fend off major legal consequences in this country. The newest front for News Corp. involves the Foreign Corrupt Practices ...
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Hacking Group Anonymous Targets Chinese Agriculture Firm
Wall Street Journal (blog)
By Isabella Steger and Kate O'Keeffe Fresh from its attacks on the Iranian government, Bank of America Corp. and Sony Corp., hacker group Anonymous has now set its sights on a Chinese fruit and vegetable producer it claims is one of the Hong Kong stock ...
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Harvard website hacked, defaced
Boston Globe
Harvard took down its hacked website for several hours to fix it. The hackers posted a message saying, "Syrian Electronic Army Were Here,'' a reference to a group that appears to support the Syrian government group and has mounted electronic attacks on ...
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Piers Morgan, Jeremy Paxman Argue About Phone Hacking
Huffington Post
He brought up the issue that has continued to dog Morgan: phone hacking. (Despite no hard evidence, rumors have persisted that Morgan sanctioned the use of phone hacking while editing the Daily Mirror in the UK.) "What about when you get a guest whom ...
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Supreme Court's official website hacked
The court has taken notice of the hacking and initiated probe into the incident. Official of the apex court noticed that the website was compromised around 08:00am, but believed that the hacker may have gained access earlier at night. ...
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Hacker group briefly hits USA Today's Twitter page
The Script Kiddies are also responsible for hacking into NBC News' Twitter account the weekend of September 11 and posting fabricated messages about a fresh attack on New York's ground zero. The Script Kiddies also hacked the Fox News Twitter account ...
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MySQL.Com Website Hacked
Network World
Hackers have hacked the MySQL.com website and injected code that will unknowingly infect visitors with malware according to the security firm Armorize. If you are using an older browser version or not kept up with Flash and other upgrades, ...
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News Corp. Marketer Used Mafia Lessons to Instill Fear, Respect
27 (Bloomberg) -- A News Corp. unit that used lessons gleaned from Mafia films to motivate employees and crush rivals is the latest arm of Rupert Murdoch's media empire to be swept up in a probe that began with hacking and bribery allegations. ...
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Hackers share Austria police data
BBC News
An Austrian computer hacking group has published the names and addresses of nearly 25000 police officials, raising fears for officers' personal security. Private data leaked by AnonAustria relates to a range of ranks, from beat officers to senior ...
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BBC News

Blogs5 new results for hacking
Google hacking: It's all about the dorks | TechRepublic
By Michael Kassner
Google Search shows no bias. It will help anyone find anything, including vulnerable Internet-connected devices. You just need to know what to ask.
IT Security Blog | TechRepublic
News Corp. Phone-Hacking Scandal Is Becoming Art Already ...
By Joe Coscarelli
A London theater company is staging an experimental show based on the News Corp. scandal.
Daily Intel
Discussion on Google hacking: It's all about the dorks | TechRepublic
Discussion on: Google hacking: It's all about the dorks. 19. Comments .... "No-Tech Hacking" is a must-read. lshanahan 56 minutes ago. I remember stumbling across the book "No-tech Hacking" in the bookstore. I started thumbing through it ...
on TechRepublic
Marvel Digital Portable 3G Mini Router: Perfect for Hacking on the ...
By Range
Marvel Digital's 3G/LAN to WiFi Router is a portable device with a rechargeable battery and a 3G network dongle allowing you full mobility while up to 5 users get access to high speed Internet over the 3G mobile network. The charge will last a ...
Hacking the Food System: The Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie ...
By Hilary Mason
Hacking the Food System: The Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie. Posted: September 26, 2011 | Author: Hilary Mason | Filed under: blog, projects | Tags: cookies, food, tech, writing | Leave a comment » · liquid n2 ice cream · Food+Tech ...

Web1 new result for hacking
3 indicted in sophisticated hacking scheme - Technology & science ...
Three men in what prosecutors call a small team of sophisticated thieves and hackers that hit dozens of businesses over the past few years have been indicted ...

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