Friday, September 30, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Phone hacking: Neville Thurlbeck says 'truth will out'
The Guardian
Phone hacking: former News of the World chief reporter Neville Thurlbeck has spoken out over his dismissal. Photograph: Rex Features Neville Thurlbeck, the former News of the World chief reporter, has sensationally broken his silence on the ...
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The Guardian
Phone hacking: Watergate reporter 'struck by parallels' with Nixon scandal
The Guardian
Highlights from a Guardian-hosted debate entitled After Hacking: How can the press restore trust? Link to this video One of the two journalists who uncovered the Watergate scandal has said that he was "struck by the parallels" between the News of the ...
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The Guardian
Australian pension funds pressure News Corp board
Sydney Morning Herald
Ann Byrne of the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors said a more independent board was needed in the aftermath of the phone hacking scandal that led to the closure of News Corp.'s top-selling British tabloid News of the World in July. ...
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Johansson on hacked nude photos: "It feels wrong"
CBS News
(CBS) Scarlett Johansson says she felt wronged by the alleged phone hacking that led to nude photos of her surfacing online earlier this month. The 26-year-old told CNN's David McKenzie that being an actress doesn't give people the right to invade her ...
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NoW journalist drops salary bid
BBC News
Mr Thurlbeck was arrested on suspicion of phone hacking in April. Mr Thurlbeck, ex-assistant editor Ian Edmondson and James Weatherup - all former News of the World journalists - are understood to have visited police stations separately on Tuesday and ...
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BBC News
Gay policeman sues over hacking
Evening Standard
A gay Metropolitan Police officer who had a close friendship with Michael Barrymore is the latest person to launch a phone-hacking claim against the Murdoch media empire. Scotland Yard has told Dan Lichters, who comforted the troubled television ...
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Agents Make Arrest In Hacking Attacks
WESH Orlando
Christopher Doyon, who goes by the nickname Christopher X, is accused of hacking government websites. Federal Agents said Doyon belongs to a group called the "People's Liberation Front." Investigators believe the cyber attacks were waged over an ...
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News Corp faces fresh hacking drama – around satellite TV cards
The Guardian
Photograph: Luca Bruno/AP The Palace of Justice in Siracusa on the east coast of Sicily feels about as far as it gets from London or New York, yet is now the scene of the latest hacking drama involving a subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation. ...
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Suit Claims Real Estate Firm Hacked Rival's Listings
Wall Street Journal (blog)
By Laura Kusisto Bond New York, a real estate brokerage with hundreds of upscale apartment listings around the city, has been accused of hacking into a competitor's computer system and stealing listing information. AC Lawrence & Co., a competitor firm, ...
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Hacked at Theatre 503
Theatre 503's collection of plays linked to the phone-hacking scandal are intriguing but lack unity, says Catherine Love. It's an unusual formula for a piece of theatre. Six volunteers hand over the contents of their voicemail to Theatre 503, ...
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Blogs4 new results for hacking
NewsDaily: UK hacking like Watergate scandal, Bernstein says
By Peter Griffiths
LONDON, Sep. 29, 2011 (Reuters) — The phone hacking scandal that engulfed Rupert Murdoch's media empire could turn out to be Britain's "Watergate" with fallout that lasts for decades, former Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein said ...
NewsDaily: Top Headlines
Hacking your car's multifunction display - Hack a Day
By Mike Nathan
[Steve] has an older third generation VW Golf, and as those who have owned one surely know, the beloved VR6 engine is wonderful but finicky. He says that the VR6 is particularly picky when it comes to oil temperature, so his daily routine ...
Hack a Day
Faced with huge losses, Postal Service warns of email hacking ...
By UnBylined
WASHINGTON — On the verge of reporting historic losses, the U.S. Postal Service is launching a TV advertising campaign designed to slow the migration away from snail mail. Americans watching college football games and news broadcasts ...
Bangor Daily News
Hacking the City | Blend
By Maxi
Hacking the City in Eindhoven is an event and exhibition about the rediscovery of freedom in the urban environment; approaching the city as a living laboratory for creative and inspiring research. The ten day exhibition on city planning, design, ...

Web1 new result for hacking
UK hacking like Watergate scandal, Bernstein says | Reuters
LONDON (Reuters) - The phone hacking scandal that engulfed Rupert Murdoch's media empire could turn out to be Britain's Watergate with fallout that lasts for ...

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