Sunday, September 25, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
UK lawyer to file hacking lawsuit against News Corp in US
CNN International
By the CNN Wire Staff London (CNN) -- A lawyer for numerous alleged victims of phone hacking by journalists has confirmed that he plans to launch legal action in the United States against media mogul Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. ...
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Phone-hacking row widens as former editor sues
Sydney Morning Herald
LONDON: New allegations about the phone-hacking scandal have hit News International, the British subsidiary of News Corp, with claims of more victims and fresh legal rows. It has been revealed that former News of the World editor Andy Coulson is suing ...
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Family of Jade Goody believe they were victims of phone hacking
By Lyndsay Buckland THE family of Big Brother star Jade Goody believe they may have been the victims of phone hacking, it emerged yesterday. Reports said the late celebrity's mother, Jackiey Budden, believes both her and her daughter's phone were ...
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Two men indicted for allegedly hacking SC government Web sites
KTVU San Francisco
Two men were indicted for hacking charges Thursday related to a 2010 attack on a Santa Cruz County government Web site, according to the US Justice Department. Christopher Doyon, 47, of Mountain View and Joshua John Covelli, 26, of Fairborn, Ohio, ...
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Hacking The Promises
Sunday Leader
Hacking the campaigns now will help us elect a more accountable Mayor, and nail him to his promises. Engaging robustly now benefits us all by pointing the debates to not just what we want to see, but how we want to get there. ...
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Sunday Leader
Murdoch paper 'paid police worker'
The details of the payments from Rupert Murdoch's News International, whichpublished the News of the World until its closure in July amid the phone-hacking scandal, emerged in billing records obtained by detectives, the paper said. ...
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FBI arrests LulzSec hacker
By Mark Sutton Published September 25, 2011 The FBI has arrested a member of the LulzSec hacking group over its attacks on Sony Pictures earlier this year. Cody Kretsinger, who goes by the name 'Recursion', was arrested during a raid on his home in ...
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That settles it for libel law reform. Thanks, Mr Murdoch
The Guardian
They're all Murdoch out-of-court settlements with phone-hacking victims. Any test of the true state of affairs comes further down the line, as a handful of selected hacking cases make it through the courtroom door. Will there be any more £2m payouts in ...
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The Guardian
EDITORIAL: Work together to enhance Japan's defenses against cyber-attacks
Asahi Shimbun
The incident appears to have been a "targeted attack," a type of hacking becoming increasingly common around the world. In such an attack, spyware or other malicious software ("malware") designed to collect information about users without their ...
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Weed threatens rice-growing areas
By HEATHER HACKING-Staff Writer The winged primrose willow is shown in this photo. The plant has agricultural leaders on high alert because they fear it may take over the rice crops.(Clarence A. Rechenthin/USDA-NRCS Plants Database) ...
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Blogs3 new results for hacking
Hacking mayoral campaign promises - Groundviews
By Sanjana Hattotuwa
For the average citizen, these online conversations and unanswered questions are a vital public record. For the candidates, these are equally vital repositories of discontent and support, scepticism as well as hope. Hacking the campaigns now ...
Hacking NetFlix : HackingNetflix on the TechMonks Podcast
By mikek
Just before Netflix dropped the Qwikster bomb I sat in on the new TechMonks podcast and we talked about Netflix, Amazon, Apple, and more. Thanks to Aaron, Tim & Damond for the invitation.
Hacking NetFlix
Arizona student charged in Sony hacking case | KPIC CBS 4 - News ...
An Arizona college student was arrested and charged Thursday in a breach of computers at Sony Pictures Entertainment early this summer where more than 37000 customers had their information stolen.
KVAL - News - Tech

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