Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Ivan Lewis, Labour Media Spokesman, Proposes Controversial Media Reform Over ...
Huffington Post
By DAVID STRINGER and TIM HALES 09/27/11 11:09 AM ET LIVERPOOL, England -- Amid a tabloid phone hacking scandal that has shaken Britain, the country's main opposition Labour Party on Tuesday suggested reporters guilty of malpractice could be banned ...
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Phone Hacking: Neville Thurlbeck takes News International to employment tribunal
He became a key figure in the phone hacking scandal after his name appeared on an email sent to private investigator Glenn Mulcaire. The email, sent by a colleague at the tabloid, contained a transcript of hacked messages left on the phone of ...
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Lawmaker: South Korean military websites hit by 2770 hacking attempts in past year
Washington Post
By AP, SEOUL, South Korea — A ruling party lawmaker says South Korean military websites have been hit by more than 2770 hacking attempts in the past year. Kim Ok-lee said in a statement Wednesday that no damage was reported and it's not known where ...
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Are you in danger of 'drive-by' hacking?
Who is hacking who? Smart phones can be used to hack other electronic devices without detection (CNN) -- All the talk of phone-hacking this summer has brought the thorny issue of mobile device security to the forefront of the news agenda. ...
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Phone hacking: Reporter takes NoW publisher to tribunal
BBC News
This round-up of Wednesday's main media news reports on a new development in the phone-hacking scandal. A News of the World reporter at the heart of the phone-hacking scandal is taking the defunct tabloid's publishers to an employment tribunal, ...
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BBC News
Murdoch aide resigns over hacking strategy
Financial Times
By Ben Fenton, Chief Media Correspondent One of James Murdoch's closest advisers resigned from News Corp at the height of the phone hacking scandal last July, it has emerged. Alice Macandrew is understood to have tendered her resignation some time ...
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Hugh, actually: Hacked Off campaigner is star attraction of conference circuit
The Guardian
Hugh Grant at the Labour conference fringe event on phone hacking. Photograph: KeystoneUSA-ZUMA / Rex Features You've already seen Hugh Grant, politician. He played a prime minister called, as it happens, David, in the hit movie Love, Actually and it ...
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The Guardian
Supreme Court website hacked again
Earlier the Supreme Court website was hacked by two boys also in the month of September last year to whom the court had granted bail on April 11 as they were less than 18 years of age. Tuesday's hacking instantly invited swift action by the court ...
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Syria wages cyber warfare as websites hacked
The Associated Press
Pro- and anti-government activists in Syria are increasingly turning to the Internet, hacking and defacing websites in an attempt to win a public relations victory. Shadowy online activist groups have hacked into at least 12 Syrian government websites ...
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The Associated Press
Bail extended for 3 suspects in UK hacking scandal
The Associated Press
LONDON (AP) — British police say they have extended the bail for three News of the World phone hacking suspects until next year. The Metropolitan Police said Tuesday that the men have all attended police stations and been bailed to March 2012, ...
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
Urban Hacking School #1: Strasbourg | rebel:art
By *A
REBEL:ART ist das internationale Medium und Netzwerk fŸr Culture Jammer & Adbuster, Hacktivisten & Net Aktivisten, Street Artists & Street Vandalen, Post-Dadaisten & Retro-Neoisten, notorische Nervensägen & subversive Störenfriede.
SKorean military hit by 2770 hacking attempts | The Associated ...
By The Associated Press
A ruling party lawmaker says South Korean military websites have been hit by more than 2770 hacking attempts in the past year. Kim Ok-lee said in a statement Wednesday that no damage was reported and it's not known where the attacks ...
Examiner RSS
Hacking stereotypes in educating people about computing ...
Computer science and computer science education are a couple of my evergreen topics here on this blog, as you can see by perusing the computer science tag. And of course, my trip to Harvard for LIAL this past summer perhaps...
Confessions of a Science Librarian
Murdoch Mouthpiece Quit Over Phone Hacking -- Daily Intel
By Joe Coscarelli
Alice Macandrew, James Murdoch's spokesperson and a high-level News Corp. adviser, resigned back in July at the height of the phone-hacking revelations over differences in opinion about how to handle the rapidly metastasizing scandal. ...
Daily Intel
Corporate Boards Vulnerable to Hacking, Information Theft
Most major corporations surveyed have significant security gaps that leave sensitive board-level information open to information theft and hacking, according to a survey by Thomson Reuters. These holes are mostly due to board documents ...
Corporate Compliance Insights:...

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