Saturday, September 17, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Hacking: Met use Official Secrets Act to demand Guardian reveals sources
The Guardian
The Met are demanding the handover of documents relating to the source of information used in the Guardian's Milly Dowler phone-hacking story. Photograph: Surrey Police/PA The Metropolitan police are seeking a court order under the Official Secrets Act ...
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The Guardian
Hacking Made Easier, Thanks To User-Friendly Tools
... says that while some hacktivists are skilled programmers, many simply download easy-to-use denial of service software or fall into the category of "script kiddies" — a pejorative term reserved for people who use off-the-shelf hacking tools. ...
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'I've been hacked' the lamest excuse ever?
Independent Online
But had I done either of these things, I may have resorted to that increasingly common excuse: "I've been hacked." It's become as overused as "the dog ate my homework", or "darling, I've never met this woman before", or "we inherited this mess from New ...
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Independent Online
Scarlett Johansson nude leaked photos 2011: Actress emerges after cellphone ...
Daily Mail
Johansson is the latest victim of the phone-hacking ring thought to be responsible for stealing naked photos and videos from at least 50 female Hollywood celebrities. Johansson's lawyer issued a statement yesterday making it clear that his client took ...
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Daily Mail
Pledge Asks Chinese Hackers to Reject Cybertheft
By Michael Kan, IDG News Two prominent Chinese hackers have released a convention calling for the rejection of cybertheft and are asking their peers to support it, as China is increasingly seen as the source of international hacking attacks. ...
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Phone hacking is centre stage
Theatre503 in south London's Battersea has responded lightning-fast to the hacking scandal by asking six writers each to come up with a short play based on the voicemails of six anonymous strangers. I'm one of the writers. There's no direct "hacking" ...
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Phone hacking scandals spark potential flame between Johannson and Timberlake?
After both stars were allegedly involved in separate phone hacking incidents, they are spotted dancing away their frustrations at NYC hot spot 10ak on Thursday night. Extra reports that Life and Style magazine tells readers that they arrived at the ...
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Leveson's probe could make press barons quake
Belfast Telegraph
The News of the World hacking scandal kept itself on the boil all summer long. The latest developments have the appearance of a circular firing squad at News International, with leading figures all intent on taking each other out, so to speak. ...
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GDLA Discussion: Phone Hacking
MyFox Los Angeles
Los Angeles - The FBI confirmed it is investigating allegations that the phones and or computers of a number of celebrities were hacked. "We have confirmed that we are investigating the person or group responsible for computer intrusions, ...
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Woman accused of hacking Paypal speaks out
(KGO) -- A woman facing federal charges for hacking with the group 'Anonymous' went on camera with ABC7 on Friday and denied her involvement, claiming she was wrongly accused. When you see Tracy Valenzuela, you have to wonder if she is the face of a ...
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Blogs4 new results for hacking
Scarlett Johansson and Justin Timberlake put hacking scandal ...
By staff
Scarlett Johansson and Justin Timberlake put hacking scandal aside to party.
Celebrities and Entertainment...
Journalist who sued government official reports Twitter hacking ...
Investigative journalist Nuria Piera Friday denounced that her Twitter account was hacked and doesn't know who could've done it. She said she noticed the intervention when in her Twitter and Facebook accounts she saw published the ...
Phone hacking - the big media topic that has everyone talking ...
By Roy Greenslade
Speakers at three events include editors, actors, lawyers and a Watergate journalism hero.
Media: Greenslade |
Paper: London police wants source of hacking story | The ...
By The Associated Press
Police are demanding that the Guardian newspaper reveal its sources for the story that reignited Britain's phone-hacking scandal, setting the stage for a court battle that comes at a tense time for relations between the country's media and its ...
Examiner AP RSS

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