Friday, September 23, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
FBI Arrests Suspected LulzSec and Anonymous Hackers
Fox News
The FBI arrested two alleged members of the hacking collectives LulzSec and Anonymous on Thursday morning in San Francisco and Phoenix and secured charges against a third suspect from Ohio, the Justice Department confirmed Thursday. ...
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Fox News
Murdoch paper hacked minister's voice mail - sources
By Mark Hosenball Rupert Murdoch's News of the World hacked extensively into the voice mail of a minister in the former Labour government, according to three people familiar with the matter. The unauthorized access to voice mails left for Denis ...
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UK lawyer for phone hacking victims says legal action to be launched in US ...
Washington Post
By AP, LONDON — The lawyer for Britain's phone hacking victims says that legal action will be launched in the United States against Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. Mark Lewis told The Associated Press on Friday that lawyers in the United States would be ...
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Phone hacking: Dowler lawyer pursues US legal action against News Corp
The Guardian
Photograph: Surrey Police/PA The solicitor who represented the family of Milly Dowler in their phone-hacking claims against News Corporation on Friday announced he has teamed up with US lawyers with a view to initiating proceedings targetting Rupert ...
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News Corp. Hacking Victim's Family Protests Change to Legal Fees
23 (Bloomberg) -- The family of Milly Dowler, the murdered schoolgirl whose mobile phone was hacked by News Corp.'s News of the World, asked Britain's leaders to stop changes to the country's "no win, no fee" litigation system. ...
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Seattle men indicted on hacking, fraud charges
SC Magazine US
Three Seattle men were charged this week with hacking into the networks of more than a dozen businesses to steal online banking credentials and other data used to commit a variety of fraudulent acts. Joshuah Witt, 34, and Brad Lowe and John Griffin, ...
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Sienna Miller: I accused my own mother of leaking stories to News of the World
Phone-hacking victim Sienna Miller accused her mother of leaking stories to the News of the World because she could not understand how journalists were obtaining information. The actress, 29, believed a succession of articles about her private life ...
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Former ARRI exec pleads guilty to hacking into rival CEO's e-mail account ...
By Amar Toor posted Sep 23rd 2011 8:26AM There's some Oscar-worthy drama brewing in California, where ARRI executive Michael Bravin has pleaded guilty to hacking into a high-level e-mail account at rival camera maker Band Pro Film and Digital. ...
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Feds charge 2 suspected of hacking Santa Cruz site
Houston Chronicle
AP, SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Federal authorities arrested two men suspected of hacking Santa Cruz County's Web site. A federal grand jury in san Jose on Thursday indicted Christopher Doyon and Joshua John Covelli for participating in a so-called dedicated ...
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
Tempe college student charged in Sony Pictures hacking case
By Jose Zavala and Angela Piazza
Tempe college student charged in Sony Pictures hacking case, The film company has said more than 37000 users had personally identifiable information stolen. | news
Hacking NetFlix : Netflix Announces Facebook Integration at F8 ...
By mikek
Netflix just formally announced Facebook integration at the Facebook F8 conference, and posted an announcement on the Netflix blog. As soon as the feature is enabled, you will see an option in the Netflix user interface to connect to ...
Hacking NetFlix
t = 0 Conference at MIT: Hacking the Business of Entrepreneurship ...
participants would join up and start hacking at the various steps needed to bring the project to fruition. MIT Mentors floated from table to table, discussing business plans and various obstacles the groups might face further down the road. ...
Member of Hacking Group LulzSec Arrested for June 2011 Intrusion ...
Member of Hacking Group LulzSec Arrested for June 2011 Intrusion of Sony Pictures Computer Systems - up-to-the-minute news and headlines. 7thSpace is a online portal covering topics such as Family, Business, Entertainment, Headlines, ...
7thSpace Interactive
Arizona Man Charged In Sony Hacking Case « CBS Sacramento
By Producer Rob
Federal agents say they have arrested an Arizona man accused of hacking into the computers of Sony Pictures Entertainment.
CBS Sacramento

Web1 new result for hacking
New JavaScript hacking tool can intercept PayPal, other secure ...
BEAST, a JavaScript hacking tool developed by two security researchers, can break the encryption used by secure Web sessions. The only sure defense against ...

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