Friday, September 30, 2011

Lost your Facebook bookmarks? A helpful tip from Birthday Calendar

You are receiving this email from Birthday Calendar.

Dear Birthday Calendar User,

Are you having trouble finding your Birthday Calendar bookmark? Would you like your bookmark just one click away at all times?

A few weeks ago Facebook changed how app bookmarks are displayed and many of our users are having trouble finding their bookmark for Birthday Calendar. If yours is no longer visible on the left side of your Facebook homepage, or you simply want to make it easier to find, please follow the instructions below.

Log into Facebook»

•  Go to the left side of your Facebook homepage and hover your mouse over the word APPS.
•  Just to the right you'll see the word MORE appear. Click on it.
•  In the middle of the page you'll see a list of all of your apps. Find Birthday Calendar and click on the pencil icon to the left of it.
•  Select "Add to Favorites"
•  You're done. Now look at the left hand side of your homepage and you'll see your Birthday Calendar bookmark near the top in the FAVORITES section. Now you'll never miss another birthday!

Thank you for using Birthday Calendar.

Keep on the lookout for some exciting new features this fall.

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