Saturday, September 24, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Phone-hacking court action in US
BBC News
UK victims of alleged phone hacking by the News of the World are considering legal action in the US against parent company News Corporation. US lawyers have been asked to explore the possibility of legal action against Rupert Murdoch's media group. ...
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BBC News
Phone hacking: Andy Coulson sues newspaper group
Former News of the World editor and Downing Street aide Andy Coulson is suing a division of News International after it stopped paying his legal fees over the phone-hacking scandal. By Alastair Jamieson David Cameron's former adviser is taking action ...
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Phone hacking: Ex-editor Coulson sues newspaper group
BBC News
Former News of the World editor Andy Coulson is suing his ex-employer after it stopped paying his legal fees in relation to the phone-hacking scandal. His lawyers have filed papers at the High Court against News International subsidiary News Group ...
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BBC News
Anonymous link alleged in Santa Cruz hacking
San Francisco Chronicle
Joshua John Covelli of Ohio, indicted for allegedly causing Santa Cruz County's website to crash in December 2010 in a hacking attack. Two men with alleged ties to the online activist group Anonymous have been indicted on charges that they hacked Santa ...
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Milly Dowler phone hacking scandal: Sorry, but money can't bring her back
Daily Mail
Surely I cannot be the only one who felt deeply uneasy hearing that murdered teenager Milly Dowler's family has been offered £2 million compensation over the hacking of her phone. In addition to this, Rupert Murdoch is giving £1 million of his own ...
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Daily Mail
Phone-hacking claims mount up at News International
The Guardian
Max Clifford said she believed a call she made from India to her mother, telling her she had cancer, had been hacked. Photograph: Pal Pillai/AFP/Getty Images News International is facing fresh phone-hacking controversies after a series of claims and ...
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The Guardian
Paranoid: Sienna Miller has revealed she accused her family members of selling ...
Daily Mail
Sienna Miller has revealed she believed her family members were selling stories on her before she realised her phone had been hacked. The actress, 29, admitted she was left so paranoid by intimately private stories published in the News of the World ...
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Daily Mail
Knock, Knock, Hacking Suspects: It's the FBI (blog)
The FBI has been on a hacking sweep, picking up suspects in San Francisco, Phoenix, and Ohio over the last 48 hours. More search warrants are under way in Minnesota, Montana, and New Jersey. The three suspects arrested Thursday are allegedly members of ...
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Lessons Learned From Husband Email Hacking Prosecution- Part 5: Host Jan ...
He further suggests that prosecutors need to enforce the anti hacking laws for their intended purpose and not be over reaching as illustrated by the charges brought against his client Leon Walker.
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Hacking Incident Hits Red Digital
Orange County Business Journal
By Kari Hamanaka Friday, September 23, 2011 A plea agreement reached with a film industry executive in an email hacking case has made waves among camera manufacturers and Hollywood, with a list of victims that appears to include Lake Forest-based Red ...
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Blogs5 new results for hacking
China: hacking gets industrial | beyondbrics | News and views on ...
By Kathrin Hille
Experts have long warned that hundreds of thousands of young Chinese have acquired basic hacking skills sufficient to crack passwords and write and distribute simple malware and Trojans, were seeking to make money by stealing and ...
News Corp. | Phone Hacking | Rupert Murdoch | Mediaite
By Alex Alvarez
The News of the World phone hacking scandal is making its way to the U.S. as lawyers representing the hacking victims are going after the now-defunct paper's parent company, News Corp., claiming that the allegation brought against the ...
Report: UK Hacking Victims To Sue News Corp in U.S. – Deadline ...
A report in Sky News today said that lawyers representing the News of the World's phone-hacking victims in the UK are planning to cross the pond and sue parent company News Corp and directors including James and Rupert Murdoch. ...
Phone-Hacking Lawsuits Against News Corp. Coming to New York ...
By Joe Coscarelli
Lawyers for phone-hacking victims in the U.K. said today they've joined forces with a New York–based law firm in an attempt to pursue domestic action against News Corporation, an American company. With Rupert Murdoch's British papers, ...
Daily Intel
Lawyer: Phone hacking legal action to begin in US -
LONDON (AP) — A group of British phone-hacking victims plan to ask U.S. courts to look into possible "corrupt practices" at Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., a lawyer said Friday. Lewis revealed few details of his planned legal action, though he ...
Business Heds Index

Web2 new results for hacking
5 Sci-Fi Technologies People Achieved By Hacking the Kinect ...
5 Sci-Fi Technologies People Achieved By Hacking the Kinect. By: Augusto Corvalan. 5 Situations That Are Secretly Terrifying for Awkward People. By: Daniel ...
This is how hacking actually works : videos
This is how hacking actually works ( submitted 14 hours ago by SpongeFreak52 · 1200 comments; sharecancel. loading... top 200 comments show ...

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