Monday, September 26, 2011

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
Mark Thompson: Journalism entering a 'dangerous period'
BBC News
This round-up of Monday's main media stories focuses on a warning about the freedom of journalism in the wake of the phone-hacking scandal. The BBC director general has warned that British journalism is facing a "dangerous period" because of attempts ...
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BBC News
Second LulzSec hacker 'Neuron' could be tracked down via UK VPN
The Guardian
At least one more member of the hacking group LulzSec, known online as "Neuron", may be arrested if traced by their use of a British anonymous VPN (virtual private network) proxy service, following a similar arrest last week. ...
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Labour 'ugent debate' on hacking
BBC News
By Kayte Rath BBC Analysis and Research Labour delegates have voted to debate phone hacking at the party's annual conference in Liverpool this week. Local parties and trade unions can submit motions on a topic of their choice along as it is ...
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Government warned of hacking
By The Canadian Press OTTAWA — Hackers may have had a four-day head start when they broke into government systems in January in an attack that continues to leave many employees without full Internet access and revealed flaws in the security of federal ...
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Official Providence, RI website server hacked
Boston Globe
By Miriam Valverde, Globe Correspondent The server that hosts the City of Providence's website was hacked early this morning, according to the mayor's office. "The hacker conducted a website defacement attack that affected a large number of customers ...
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Mark Thompson backs PCC in wake of hacking scandal
The director general of the BBC has defended self-regulation of the British press, saying that the current system led by the Press Complaints Commission "should not be dismissed out of hand" in the wake of heavy criticism over the phone-hacking scandal ...
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USA Today's Twitter account falls victim to hackers
The earlier NBC News hack occurred on the heels of a hacking of Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak's Twitter account. Twitter spokeswoman Lynn Fox, contacted at the time of the Wozniak incident, said the company does not comment on individual accounts. ...
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InMotion Hosting Servers Hacked, Thousands of Web Sites Affected
Bright Side of News*
For nearly all of Sunday, InMotion Hosting's website customers were showing a hacked web page . It was not just a server hack, actually their whole data center was hacked. The perpetrator replaced every index file in every major directory of every ...
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Bright Side of News*
U.K. Prime Minister Says News Corp. Ties Were 'Too Cozy'
Wall Street Journal
By ADAM ENTOUS WASHINGTON—British Prime Minister David Cameron said Sunday relations between the government and News Corp. had grown "too cozy" and has been scaled back in the wake of a phone hacking scandal at the media giant's now-closed News of the ...
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Blogs2 new results for hacking
Hacking NetFlix : Netflix Signs Streaming Deal with Dreamworks
By mikek
Netflix CEO Reed Hastings on Facebook linked to a breaking NY Times story: Netflix Secures Streaming Deal with Dreamworks. The NY Times reports that Netflix has replaced an existing deal with HBO, where HBO was estimated to be ...
Hacking NetFlix
Hardware hacking « Chris Swan's Weblog
By Chris Swan
... breadboard to some stripboard to make something a little more durable. I tidied the code up this afternoon and put it on GitHub. I might try hacking a robot next (this project looks fun), and an Arduino kit looks certain for this year's Xmas list. ...
Chris Swan's Weblog

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