Thursday, March 8, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Hackers charged in NY, Chicago, both came from families with their share of ...
Washington Post
During the Arab spring, prosecutors say he hacked into government Web sites in Tunisia, Yemen and Algeria. He helped coordinate attacks on credit card companies after they refused to accept donations to Wikileaks. Then, they said, he added another ...
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LulzSec hacker opens up over drinks, says FBI informant leader 'took one for team'
Fox News
AP The notorious hacker who helped the FBI bring down his worldwide empire is a martyr who took the rap for the crimes of his colleagues, a LulzSec member told over beers at a Manhattan dive bar, just hours after learning the news about the ...
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Galway hacker faces up to 20 years if convicted
Galway Bay FM
by Dara Bradley A Claregalway man is facing the prospect of up to 20 years in a US prison after he was named this week by the FBI as a founder member of an international internet hacking group. Darren Martyn from Cloonbiggeen, Claregalway, ...
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Galway Bay FM
Hackers charged in NY, Chicago united by discord
By Don Babwin, Verena Dobnik and David B. Caruso AP / March 7, 2012 NEW YORK—Online, he was the elite, combustible hacker known as Sabu. But at home, Hector Xavier Monsegur seemed like the white sheep of a troubled family. After his father and an aunt ...
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Hackers attack Panda Labs site after Anonymous arrests
BBC News
Hackers identifying themselves with Antisec have attacked the website of Panda Labs' anti-malware products. It follows yesterday's arrest of an alleged member of the movement alongside others linked to the Lulzsec hacking collective.
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BBC News
Discord unites elite hackers charged in NY, IL
Atlanta Journal Constitution
This Wednesday, March 7, 2012 photo shows the building on the Lower East Side of Manhattan where the elite hacker named "Sabu" lived in New York. The hacker that federal authorities say launched cyber-attacks on big corporations and despotic ...
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Atlanta Journal Constitution
After Hacker Arrests, an Attack on the Vatican and a Growing Anxiety
New York Times (blog)
By NICOLE PERLROTH | March 7, 2012, 8:31 pm After authorities indicted five hackers on Tuesday with the help of their ringleader-turned-FBI-informant, Hector Xavier Monsegur, other activist hackers faced an existential crisis and uncertain future.
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Hacking group Anonymous claims to bring down Vatican website
VATICAN CITY (AP) – Members of the amorphous hacking group Anonymous claimed Wednesday to have taken down the Vatican website to protest everything from Catholic doctrine to the sexual abuse of children. By Pier Paolo Cito, AP Rev.
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Hacking book - The Guardian's five-year struggle to reveal the truth
The Guardian (blog)
Today's extract from The phone hacking scandal: journalism on trial* is taken from the opening chapter written by Huw L. Hopkins, who is studying for an MA in global journalism at Coventry university Hopkins's contribution is a scene-setter, ...
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The Guardian (blog)
Alleged Stratfor hacker no stranger to law enforcement
By Jaikumar Vijayan Computerworld - Jeremy Hammond, one of the five hackers arrested in Tuesday's crackdown on key members of LulzSec and Anonymous, is no stranger to the law. Court documents released earlier this week show that the 27-year old Chicago ...
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Blogs3 new results for hacking
Phone Hacking: Former Scotland Yard Chief Reveals His Son ...
By The Huffington Post News Editors
LONDON (AP) — Two former Scotland Yard chiefs had their children do internships at Rupert Murdoch's newspaper company, one of them testified Wednesday, revealing yet another link between senior members of the country's largest police ...
The Full Feed from
LulzSec Cyber Activists Arrested with Help of Hacking Group's Former
By Cory
LulzSec Cyber Activists Arrested with Help of Hacking Group's Former Leader — Is Assange Next? Democracy Now Mar. 7, 2012. New arrests have been made in the crackdown on a loose, large network of politically inspired "hacktivists.
Your Activist News Source
Arrests Won't Be the End for Hacking Groups | Blogs ...
In the various stories Ive read about the recent arrests of Anonymous leaders, based on the snitching of LulzSec leader known as Sabu , one of the best lines c.
Sue Marquette Poremba

Web3 new results for hacking
Schneier on Security: Comic: Movie Hacking vs. Real Hacking
The only words missing from the movie hacking action were "send spike". Or should that be "send Spike"? (I told you I was ill.) Posted by: Brent Longborough at ...
LulzSec Cyber Activists Arrested with Help of Hacking Group's ...
New arrests have been made in the crackdown on a loose, large network of politically inspired ...
US charges members of hacking group Anonymous - Technology ...
Six suspected leaders of the international hacking organization known as Anonymous were charged by U.S. authorities of computer crimes, dealing a major ...

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