Thursday, March 22, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News10 new results for hacking
Why Hackers Set Their Sights on Small Businesses
By Howard Baldwin, PCWorld If you run a small business, and think that none of your data was of interest to a hacker, consider this: what if a hacker could take stolen bank account or credit card information from your computer and package it with the ...
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City of Springfield website restored after hack
Springfield News-Leader
The city of Springfield's website is fully functional again after it was hacked in February, according to the city. A hack blamed on a group known as Anonymous resulted in a breach on Feb. 17 that accessed personal information of about 2100 online ...
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On assignment: How to steer clear of cybercrime hackers
Perhaps because my relative Internet isolation, I was shocked at how pervasive hacking has become and how rampant and insidious cybercrime can be. To research this story, we met the top cybercrime officials at the FBI, leading computer scientists and ...
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Wife Killer Gets Hacking Death Sentence
By Winston W. Parley, 22 March 2012 Murder suspect William G. Dweh, was on Wednesday sentenced to a maximum death penalty by hacking by Criminal Court 'A' Judge James W. Zotaa. Dweh has been tried and convicted of killing and burying his 28-year-old ...
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Rebekah Brooks questioned over 'MoD payments'
The bail date related to her initial arrest by the Metropolitan Police in July last year when she was held over allegations of phone hacking and corruption. The former editor of the News of the World and The Sun arrived at the police station at 10am ...
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Hacking book: how 'serious' media consigned WikiLeaks cables to the shadows
The Guardian (blog)
Normal service resumes today with the 13th extract from The phone hacking scandal: journalism on trial.* Justin Schlosberg moves away from phone hacking (and the red-tops) to take a critical look at the coverage given to the WikiLeaks US diplomatic ...
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The Guardian (blog)
The Zero-Day Salesmen
Hackers now sell their best tricks to government spies at six-figure prices. At a Google-Run competition in Vancouver last month the search giant's famously secure Chrome Web browser fell to hackers twice. Both of the new methods used a rigged website ...
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Hackers With Conscience
This group includes organized crime, activist groups, former employees, lone hackers and even organizations sponsored by foreign governments. With a rise in external attacks, the proportion of insider incidents declined again this year to 4%.
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Phone hacking: Rebekah Brooks questioned again by police
BBC News
She was last arrested on 13 March on suspicion of conspiring to pervert the course of justice as part of Operation Weeting, the Metropolitan Police's investigation into phone-hacking. Five men were also detained, including Mrs Brooks's husband, ...
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BBC News
Hacking...a Growing Threat to National Security
Computers can be the frontlines for terroristic hackers and the threat is growing as technology takes over pretty much everything we do. I found out how everyone from the government, to you at home can fight back. Most of us log onto a computer every ...
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Blogs3 new results for hacking
Hacking on Dancer | Ovid []
By Ovid
If you're not familiar with Dancer, it's a Perl framework written by Alexis Sukrieh and inspired by Ruby's Sinatra framework. Though some call it a "micro-framework", according to Wikipedia, Sinatra is used by Apple, BBC, the British Government ...
The Guardian GoogleTV project, innovation & hacking. |
By Reverend Dan Catt
'Hackers are allergic to process not because they don't understand the value; they're allergic to it because it violates their core values. These values are well documented in Zuckerberg's letter: "Done is better than perfect", "Code wins ...
Rev Dan Catt's Blog
12 at 12: Drew Brees, hacking celebrity phones, Alcatraz top ...
By Times-Picayune Staff
Ever wonder how a celebrity's cell phone gets hacked? 2. Brett Anderson takes his quest for the best roast beef po-boy to R & O's restaurant in New Orleans. 3. On this day in 1963, the federal penitentiary on Alcatraz Island closed. 4.
New Orleans Metro Real Time News

Web4 new results for hacking
Schneier on Security: Hacking Critical Infrastructure
Hacking Critical Infrastructure. A otherwise uninteresting article on Internet threats to public infrastructure contains this paragraph: At a closed-door briefing, the ...
New arrest in UK phone hacking probe -
A 51-year-old man was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of intimidating a witness in connection with a probe into alleged phone hacking, UK police said.
Microsoft says hacking code could have leaked | Reuters
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Microsoft's process for sharing information about security vulnerabilities in its products came under fire Friday after a roadmap for ...
Body Hacking: My Magnetic Implant | Dann Berg
I've had a magnet implanted in my finger for about three years. Here are some thoughts about having the implant and feeling a whole new world.

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