Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Google Alert - hacking

News9 new results for hacking
Hack Yourself Before Others Do... Ethical Hacking Now on the Cloud
MarketWatch (press release)
BOSTON, Mar 20, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- In today's world where 5000 + hacking incidents happen every day and over 1 trillion USD being lost every year, imagine having a friendly hacker notifying you of your weaknesses before hackers can use them ...
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With 12 Million Hacked Users' Data, Pwned List Launches As A Breach Monitoring ...
Having your usernames and passwords stolen and sprayed across the Web is never fun, as millions have discovered after hackers breach a company where they work or where they've registered an account. But worse yet is to have that personal information ...
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Hacker 'KhantastiC' attacks government websites
Times of India
You might lose all your data as Pakistan hackers are on the prowl. They attacked and defaced 31 government websites this year exposing the poor handling capacity of web servers by state government. KhantastiC, a hacker who claimed to be a part of ...
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Leveson inquiry: Met 'wary' of press after phone hacking, says Hogan-Howe
The Guardian
The UK's most senior police officer arrived at Scotland Yard to find the Metropolitan police in an "unstable state" and "wary" about its relationship with the media following the phone-hacking scandal and two-high profile departures, ...
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The Guardian
Chinese hack Microsoft
By Steve Elwart Chinese hackers apparently have gained access to Microsoft problem details even before a company patch was released and security researchers are worried the leak came directly from Microsoft's secured website.
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Hacking scandal has harmed us, admits Met chief
Evening Standard
The head of Scotland Yard has said that the force had been damaged by the phone hacking scandal. Bernard Hogan-Howe told the Leveson inquiry that relationships between senior officers and journalists had become "overly close" — but was quick to praise ...
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Dappy's Ex On Tulisa Sex Tape Tweets: 'He Was Hacked'
Speculation over whether the No Regrets singer's account had been hacked was rife online yesterday (19th March) after the messages were deleted, with his former lover Kaye - who is the mother of his two children - suggesting that the tweets were not ...
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Alleged LulzSec Hacker Ackroyd released on bail
The H
Alleged LulzSec hacker Ryan Ackroyd has appeared before Westminster Magistrates' Court on Friday, facing charges of attacking the computer systems of the UK's Serious Organised Crime Agency, the CIA, several entertainment companies, News International ...
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iPad 3 already jailbroken by hackers
by Ben Parfitt Apple's brand new iPad 3 has been jailbroken by the Apple hacking community just hours after its release. ZDNet reports that no less than three separate jailbreaking methods are now publically available, with custom code already up and ...
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Blogs2 new results for hacking
Hacking and Whacking Bronx Banter
By Alex Belth
Hacking and Whacking. by Alex Belth | March 20, 2012 6:32 am. At the Uptown Sports Complex taking BP the other day with pals Adam and Eric. Best piece of advice to any old bastards like us: take two Advil before you go hit. Categories: 1: ...
Bronx Banter
City Hacking Goes Mainstream | Planetizen
By Jonathan Nettler
Within the last six months, two forward thinking American cities have created new positions for Chief Innovation Officers, with a mission to connect city hall with a new generation of problem-solvers outside of it, reports Emily Badger.
Planetizen - Urban Planning,...

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